[Solomonov Seminar] 105. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Wed Jan 15 12:51:25 CET 2003

Vabim vas na 105. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v cetrtek,
16. januarja 2003 ob 13. uri v sejni sobi odseka E8 (drugo
nadstropje glavne zgradbe). Posnetki in materiali preteklih
seminarjev so dostopni na http://solomon.ijs.si/.

Tokratna tema bo iz podrocja telemedicine. Riccardo Bellazzi
iz Univerze v Paviji bo predstavil podrocje telemedicine
na podrocju zdravljenja sladkorne bolezni, s poudarkom
na evropskem projektu M2DM v katerem je udelezen.

Prihodnji seminar:
torek, 21. januar: Aleks Jakulin -
  Interakcije med atributi v strojnem ucenju

Riccardo Bellazzi (Università di Pavia):
   Telematic management of Diabetes: current European experiences

The recent advances of Information and Communication Technologies
(IT) have transformed telemedicine into a mature field, so that the research
results collected over years can be nowadays translated into clinical practice.
Diabetes management represents a sort of natural field for the application
of  new distributed model of care, that fully exploits currently available
telemedicine  solutions. For example, the US Health Care Financing
Administration (HCFA) has recently funded the IDEATel project with a
$28 million grant;  IDEATel is the largest telemedicine effort ever funded
by the US federal government.  Also in Europe there are several projects
that are testing innovative IT-based services for supporting diabetes
management. Within the V framework research programme of the European
Commission, about 40 projects have been devoted to home-care telemedicine
applications: 8 of them dealt with the application of  IT to the management of Diabetes.

The talk will be divided into two parts: in the first part, it will be given an
introduction on the current status of the European research on telemedicine
applications in Diabetes care; in the second part, it will be presented the
M2DM project, together with the some results obtained in its clinical evaluation.

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