[SlovLit] Gugelj in kako naj narod izkaže svojo hvaležnost

Miran Hladnik miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Pon Sep 24 19:20:05 CEST 2001

1. Podoktorske štipendije za NY
2. Gugl v slovenščini
3. Slovenska literatura na internetu


1. Podoktorske štipendije za NY

The Society for the Humanities (Cornell University) expects to appoint six
to ten Fellows for the 2002/2003 academic year. Each Fellow will receive
$34,000 for the year. Fellows spend most of their time at Cornell in
research and writing but are encouraged to offer an informal seminar related
to their research. Society Fellows include scholars from other universities
and members of the Cornell faculty released from regular duties. The
fellowships are held for one year.

Fellows are invited to conduct a seminar during one semester. The choice of
topic and the mode and level of instruction are at the pleasure of the
Fellow, but the seminars are generally informal, related to the Fellow's
research, and open to graduate students, suitably qualified undergraduates,
and faculty members. Fellows are encouraged to explore topics they would not
normally teach and, in general, to experiment freely with both the content
and the method of their courses.

Eligibility: Fellows should be working on topics related to the year's
theme. Their approach to the humanities should be broad enough to appeal to
students and scholars in several humanistic disciplines.

Applicants must have completed the Ph.D. degree by the time of their
application. They must have one or more years of college teaching
experience, which may include teaching as a graduate student.

Application Procedures: Candidates should inform the Society of their
intention to apply by printing and returning the application form
immediately. The following application materials must be postmarked on or
before October 21, 2001:

printable application form curriculum vitae copies of two or three papers or
scholarly publications that are no more than twenty pages long each. Do not
submit books. Applicants who wish their materials returned should enclose a
stamped, self-addressed evelope. one-page abstract in addition to a detailed
statement of the research project the applicant would like to pursue during
the term of the fellowship (1,000-3,000 words) brief (two-page) proposal for
a seminar related to the applicant's research. Seminars meet two hours per
week for one semester (fourteen weeks) and enrollment is limited to fifteen
graduate and qualified undergraduate students. three letters of
recommendation from senior colleagues, to whom candidates should send their
research proposal and teaching proposal. A letter of recommendation should
include an evaluation of the candidates proposed research and teaching
statements. Please ask referees to send their letters directly to the
Society. Letters must be postmarked on or before October 21, 2001.

2002/2003 Focal Theme: The Idea of a University.

For information about the Society for the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program, the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship program, and the School of
Criticism & Theory, or to report problems with or suggestions for this
website, please contact Lisa Patti, Program Administrator, at 607-255-9274
or humctr-mailbox na cornell.edu. To contact the Director of the Society for
the Humanities, please contact Mary Ahl, Assistant to the Director, at
607-255-4086 or mea4 na cornell.edu. Cornell University Society for the
Humanities A.D. White House 27 East Avenue Ithaca, NY 14853-1101


2. Gugelj v slovenščini

Http://www.google.com. Kdor s tem iskalnikom hoče elegantno do slik, naj
odtipka raje: http://images.google.com.


3. Http://www.literator.net/ -- Institute for Slovenian Studies of Victoria
v Avstraliji napoveduje slovensko literarno spletišče v angleščini že eno
leto, nedavna reklama zanj po časopisih in po TV je bila vseobsežna in
odmevna, videti pa ni na tem naslovu pravzaprav še nič, ker pobudniki čakajo
na državo (našo), da jim načrt požrtvovalnega prizadevanja za narodov blagor
vnaprej nagradi -- pač po pravilu, da se bomo šli slovenske kulturne
zavednosti le pod pogojem, da nam jo plačajo. Ali jim bodo Veneti njihovi
predniki pri tem kaj pomagali ali ne, se še ne ve, vsekakor pa jim najprej
velja priporočiti temeljito lektoriranje tega, kar lahko preberemo na
zgornjem naslovu.

lp miran

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