[SlovLit] 1900 trilingual book on the Web
David F. Stermole
stermole na chass.utoronto.ca
Tor Feb 8 00:06:33 CET 2000
Dragi kolegi,
This message is being posted to announce the publishing of the fifth
edition of Giuseppe Premru's Dialoghi-Gespraeche-Pogovori on the Net.
This book was published almost exactly 100 years ago in Gorica. So far I
have typed in about sixty pages. It can be found at:
This is my second attempt at making an old multilingual book available
on the Web. The first was the 1744 edition of the Megiser dictionary
Dictionarium quatuor linguarum. The whole of the dictionary portion of
Megiser's book is accessible at:
My work on these books is a result of the marriage of my two main areas
of expertise -- linguistics and computers. You may be wondering why I
have chosen to put Premru and Megiser on the Web instead of other
publications. Both books were given to me while I was doing my doctoral
research in Koro¹ka. Having worked in that bilingual context, I was
intrigued by the prospects and technical difficulties of making the
information in multilingual books available on the computer. Both books
contain material which crosses over the Latin-1/Latin-2 boundary.
I look forward any comments you might have, but especially about the
value of my endeavors and the ease of use provided by my manner of
presentation on the Web. Since I never expect to make any money from
this kind of work, I need some encouragement to continue along this line
-- I realize that the audience for this sort of material is quite small.
Typing in the material (it cannot be scanned for a number of reasons) is
arduous and time-consuming, and my time may be better spent on other
Finally, I would ask a favor: since I do not have access to the
libraries in Slovenia, if anyone has information about Giuseppe Premru's
life or can obtain a picture of him, I would greatly appreciate it you
could pass them along to me.
A little background about me: I am linguist with expertise in computers.
While I have a Ph.D. in linguistics, I have been programming since I
took a course in high school in 1964. Having taught linguistics,
anthropology, and English at various universities, I currently teach
computer programming in a high school in Toronto, Canada. I continue my
association with academia by participating in the Society for Slovene
Studies. If you are interested in my other activities, you can view my
curriculum vitae at:
It contains links to numerous other web sites I have created.
David F. Stermole voice: (416) 297-1927
25 Hoseyhill Crescent e-mail: stermole na chass.utoronto.ca
Scarborough, Ontario
Canada M1S 2X3
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