[Solomonov Seminar] 262. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Tue Jun 24 14:17:10 CEST 2014

V petek 27. junija bo ob 10h v Oranzni predavalnici IJS 262. Solomonov 
seminar. Oranzna predavalnica je v drugem nadstropju glavne stavbe IJS. 
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/


The engineering of real-­-time embedded systems

Why software needs to be developed using rigorous engineering-­-based 

Dr Jim Cooling  -­-  Lindentree Associates

The microprocessor arrived circa 1970 and initially, was a very 
expensive device.  However, by the end of that decade its cost had 
fallen dramatically, thanks mainly to improvements in design and 
fabrication methods. Suddenly cost was no longer a barrier to using it 
as a replacement for conventional analogue and digital electronic 
systems. And now prices have reached a point where we do, in fact, 
manufacture throwaway units. The result is that vast areas of our 
everyday life depends on microcomputer technology:

White goods -­-      washing machines, food mixers, microwave ovens, 
etc. Autos -­--­-  engine management, vehicle stability, infotainment, etc.
Home security -- smoke detectors, intruder alarms, perimeter monitoring, 
Medical -- personal health monitoring, dosage control, body/brain 
scanning, etc.

I could go on, the list is immense.  And all of these rely on their 
software for
correct and safe functioning. So, how good is this software? How much 
reliance can we place on it?  How safe is it? Based on real experience 
the answers are a mixed bunch. Unfortunately we've found that, on many 
occasions, we just don't do it very well; improvements are badly needed 
in many areas.

Broadly speaking, the purpose of this presentation is to:
1.   Persuade you that we really do have serious problems in the embedded
2.   Show what leads to such problems in the first place.
3.   Make a case for the use of discipline and engineering-­-style 
practices when
developing software.
4.   Provide an overview of practical methods for implementing such
This is not an in-­-depth technical presentation so don't look for 
cookbook solutions. Instead it seeks to get you to think really 
carefully about how you should be developing software for embedded 
applications. Most of you will be familiar with CASE, computer-­-aided 
software engineering. This talk aims to get you develop better 
techniques for BASE, brain-­-aided software engineering.

Jim Cooling has had many years experience in the area of real-­-time 
embedded systems, including electronic, software and system design, 
project management, consultancy and course development. He has published 
extensively on the subject, his books covering many aspects of 
embedded-­-systems work such as real-­-time interfacing, programming, 
software design and software engineering. Currently he is a partner in 
Lindentree Associates (which he formed in 1998), providing consultancy 
and training for real-­-time embedded systems. www.lindentreeuk.co.uk

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