[Solomonov Seminar] [AI] [E389] 260. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Sun May 18 17:13:20 CEST 2014

V torek 20. maja bo ob 13h v predavalnici MPS (Mednarodne Podiplomske 
Sole) IJS 261. Solomonov seminar. Predavalnica MPS je v drugem 
nadstropju stavbe, ki je za glavno stavbo IJS. Posnetki preteklih 
seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/

Tokrat bo Jure Leskovec predstavil svoje nedavno delo na temo kako 
napovedati kaksna vsebina (ki jo publiciramo na socialnih medijih) lahko 
postane viralna.

Jure Leskovec, Stanford/IJS:

TITLE: Can cascades be predicted?
Social networks play a central role in spreading of information, ideas, 
behaviors, and products. As such "contagions" diffuse from a person to 
person they may go "viral," and large cascades can form. However, a 
growing body of research has argued that virality and cascades may be 
inherently unpredictable. Thus, one of the central questions is whether 
information cascades can be predicted and possibly even engineered. In 
this talk, I will discuss a framework for predicting cascades and making 
them go viral. We study large sample of cascades on Facebook and find 
strong performance in predicting whether a cascade will continue to grow 
in the future. The models we develop help us understand how to create 
viral social media content: by using the right title, for the right 
community, at the right time.

Jure Leskovec <http://cs.stanford.edu/~jure 
<http://cs.stanford.edu/%7Ejure>> is assistant professor of Computer 
Science at Stanford University. His research focuses on mining large 
social and information networks. Problems he investigates are motivated 
by large scale data, the Web and on-line media. This research has won 
several awards including a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship, the 
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and numerous best paper awards. Leskovec 
received his bachelor's degree in computer science from University of 
Ljubljana, Slovenia, and his PhD in in machine learning from the 
Carnegie Mellon University and postdoctoral training at Cornell 
University. You can follow him on Twitter @jure 
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