[Solomonov Seminar] 240. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Mon Jan 16 07:32:09 CET 2012

V torek, 17. januarja 2012 ob 13h bo na IJS (Jamova 39) 240. Solomonov 
Predavanje bo predvidoma v Veliki predavalnici, mozno pa je, da bomo zaradi
interne IJS logistke morali predavanje prestaviti v predavalnico 
Podiplomske sole IJS.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/

Tokrat bo predaval gost iz podjetja "New York Times" na temo aktivnosti,
ki jih imajo v NYTimesu s svojim 160 let starim arhivom, ki vsebuje 15M 

Arhiv si lahko ogledate na naslovu:

...kot zanimivost, si lahko tule pogledate porocanje NYTimesa iz 1895 o 
potresu v Ljubljani:

Predavatelj: Evan Sandhous, New York Times

Naslov: Administering A 160-year-old Database Knowledge Management At 
The New York Times


The New York Times published its first issue on September 18, 1851. Over 
58,000 days have passed in the ensuing 160 years and, in that time, The 
Times has printed, indexed and databased well over 15 million articles, 
reviews, editorials and obituaries. This is a lot of data. In my talk I 
will discuss several interesting aspects of our knowledge management 
history and detail three recent approaches The Times has employed to 
manage our ever-growing news archive with an emphasis on Linked Data and 
Semantic Markup. Specifically I will discuss our Linked Open Data 
Initiatives and provide an overview of rNews - a recently-developed 
standard for embedding publishing metadata in HTML documents.

O predavatelju:

Evan Sandhaus is the Lead Architect for Semantic Platforms at The New 
York Times Company. In this role, Evan is spearheading The New York 
Times Linked Data Strategy, developing industry-wide digital standards 
for embedding publishing metadata into HTML documents, and developing 
new digital products. Previously, Evan developed a patented technique 
for identifying and removing template text from web pages, released 1.8 
million documents to the computer science research community, helped to 
put The New York Times on Google Earth, collaborated with New York 
University to explore new directions in News Search, and worked to bring 
The New York Times to Facebook.

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