[Solomonov Seminar] 214. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Tue Feb 9 01:24:16 CET 2010

V torek 9. februarja bo ob 13:00h v Oranzni predavalnici 
(drugo nadstropje glavne stavbe IJS), 213. Solomonov seminar.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/

Predavala bo Kristina Gruden iz NIB (Nacionalni Institut za Biologijo)
na temo tega kako se moderna biologija loteva modeliranja kompleksnih 
procesov v celicnih organizmih.

Kristina Griden, NIB:
     Experimental Techniques and Data for Systems Biology

A major challenge in biology is to unravel the organisation and
interactions of cellular networks that enable complex life processes.
The underlying complexity arises from dynamic interactions among large
numbers of cellular constituents, such as genes, proteins and
metabolites. The classical biochemistry and molecular biology approach
has successfully identified most of the components and some
interactions, but using such reductionist approach it is not possible to
comprehend how system properties emerge. To understand how cells
function, comprehensive and quantitative data on components and
interactions are required on one hand, coupled with rigorous data
integration and modelling on the other. The aim of this seminar is to
explain the principles of experimental techniques for study of cell
processes at the level of gene expression, protein composition and
metabolite profile, in addition to studies of interactions between
different components. The structure of data as well as reliability of
the data obtained by different techiques will be discussed.

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