[Solomonov Seminar] 212. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Sun Jan 24 21:10:53 CET 2010

V torek 26. januarja bo ob 13:00h v Veliki predavalnici IJS
(prvo nadstropje glavne zgradbe), 212. Solomonov seminar.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/

Predaval bo Hannu Toivonen iz Univerze v Helsinkih na temo iskanja 
po grafih z verjetnostnimi prehodi.

Hannu Toivonen (University of Helsinki):
    Biomine search engine for probabilistic graphs

Biomine is a search engine prototype under development. It can be used
to find biological entities that are (indirectly) related to given query
entities, as well as to display and evaluate the relations. Biomine is
based on an integrated index to a number of public biological databases.
The representation is a probabilistic graph, where nodes correspond to
biological entities (typically a record in a biological database) and
edges to their relationships (typically a cross-reference between
database records). Edges are annotated with probabilities that reflect
the strength or the reliability of the relation. I will discuss research
problems and challenges for search in such graphs.

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