[Solomonov Seminar] 173. Solomonov seminar
Marko Grobelnik
marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Thu Oct 5 02:28:40 CEST 2006
Vabim vas na 173. Solomonov seminar, ki bo zunaj rednega
termina !!!IZJEMOMA!!!, v petek 6. oktobra,
ob 11:00 uri v Oranzni predavalnici IJS (sejna soba E8).
Predavala bo nasa gostja Bettina Berendt iz Univerze Humboldt v Berlinu
na temo analize spletnih streznikov (web usage mining).
Bettina je sicer precej vidna oseba na podrocju analize spletnih
podatkov - pripravila je ze vec preglednih predavanj na mednarodnih
konferencah in ima vrsto objav iz podrocja analize spletnih podatkov.
Bettina Berendt (http://warhol.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/~berendt/):
Tutorial on Web Usage Mining
In this tutorial we will review fundamentals of web usage mining -
theory, case studies and related topics. Web usage mining is a topic
which became in the late 90ties one of the first profitable areas of
data mining and which was necessity for the succesful e-commerce
companies to understand better their customers, their behaviour
and to optimize the e-services accordingly. In this tutorial lecture
we will show several case studies which show approaches, techniques
and results coming out of this area.
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