[Solomonov Seminar] 158. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Mon Feb 21 01:45:43 CET 2005

Vabim vas na 158. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek 22. februarja 2005
ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici IJS. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so
na http://solomon.ijs.si/

Na tokratnem seminarju bo gost iz Zeneve predstavil temo racunanja
distanc v relacijskih shemah.

Alexandros Kalousis, University of Geneva:

Distance based learning on relational algebra representations

We will present a general framework based on concepts of relational 
algebra for distance based learning over relational schemata. The 
advantage of the proposed framework is that it requires no 
transformation of the representation of data that come in the form of 
relational databases. It is directly applicable to any relational 
database without the need of type and mode definitions and conversions 
to logic programming as it is the case with most relational learning 
systems based on Inductive Logic Programming.

Our framework builds on the notions of tuples of relations and sets of 
tuples. We show how exploiting these elementary building blocks our 
learning examples are represented via tree like structures. In order to 
define distances between relational examples we will explore two 
avenues. Both of them are based on the definition of simple operators on 
tuples and sets of tuples which are subsequently combined in order to 
provide a global operator on the full relational structure. The first 
approach is based on the use of classical distances over tuples and sets 
of tuples and the second one on the definition of kernels.

The user of the system has at his disposal a number of possible distance 
operators from which he can choose, or alternatively, to what amounts to 
something like model selection, can let the system perform the selection 
automatically.  Some results on well known relational datasets will be 

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