[Solomonov Seminar] 157. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Mon Jan 31 02:34:58 CET 2005

Vabim vas na 157. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek 1. februarja 2005
ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici IJS. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so
na http://solomon.ijs.si/

Tokrat bo na seminarju predstavil temo iz podrocja agentnih arhitektur
za virtualna podjetja kolega Jiri Hodik iz Prage s katerim sodelujemo
na projektu EcoLead (http://www.vtt.fi/virtual/ecolead/).

Jiri Hodik, Ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze (CTU)
     Multi-agent systems and their potential for virtual enterprise

In many industrial applications, it is often the case that the centralized and
hierarchically organized decision-making, planning or business solutions in
general prove inadequate and fail. The most frequent reasons for this failure are
i) high problem solving complexity,
ii) inaccessibility of relevant information required for solving the considered
problems due to the organization of the work within the institution (the control
systems are distributed and their data are not available centrally as a result
of their geographical distribution or because their owners do not want to share them),
iii) different pieces of software need to be integrated during the run time operation.
These problems are studied within the domain of multi-agent systems (MAS)
which is concerned with communication, cooperation and coordination of activities
among a group of (partially) independent intentional agents.

The talk will introduce the concept of MAS and its application domains. Examples of
platforms for MAS implementation will be reviewed and compared. Special attention
will be devoted to the systems ExPlanTech and ExtraPlanT designed for applications
in production planning and supply chain management. Both these systems have been
implemented at CTU with support of FP5 IST projects ExPlanTech and EUIST-AMI.
Live-demo will complement the talk; it will serve as an example of promising potential
solution offered by MAS to ensure activities of virtual enterprises. 

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