[Solomonov Seminar] 133. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Mon Nov 24 17:32:35 CET 2003

Vabim vas na 133. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek,
25. novembra 2003 !!!IZJEMOMA!!! ob 15:15 uri v
Fizikalnem seminarju IJS (pritlicje glavne zgradbe levo).
Posnetki in materiali preteklih seminarjev so dostopni
na http://solomon.ijs.si

Na seminarju bo gost iz Svice predstavil informatiko v kemiji
z nekaj demonstracijami (http://www-k3.ijs.si/new.html).


Alexander Kos, AKos Consulting & Solutions GmbH, Basel, CH

"New Trends in Chemoinformatics for End Users"
with ONLINE demonstrations

Modern science is hardly possible anymore without computers.
Chemoinformatics is becoming a recognized scientific field in
organic and inorganic chemistry. This seminar shall show a few
interesting applications, and shall generate more interest into

Dr. Kos studied organic chemistry, worked in the early 80ties with
P.v.R. Schleyer solving wet chemistry problems with the computer.
Later he made career at MDL Information Systems, and formed his
own company 1999. He will give an overview, and will present:
* Discovery Gate - the integrated platform for chemical information
(Crossfire Beilstein & Gmelin, MDL® Comprehensive Medicinal
Chemistry, MDL Patent Chemistry Database, Integrated Major
Reference Works, ...)
* In silico Screening - PASS & PharmaExpert, Visual Data,
miner3d family, MDL Carcinogenicity Module
* Manipulation of chemical data - Pipeline Pilot

We will concentrate on DiscoveryGate and discuss the other issues
according to interest. On http://www.akosgmbh.de/akosgmbh.htm
is an overview of the complete product portfolio.
Who should participate?
*Research chemists
*People who mange IT in chemistry
*Librarians, and other who distribute and offer chemical information
*Interested students

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