[Solomonov Seminar] 102. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 18:58:04 +0100

Vabim vas na 102. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek, 17. decembra 2002 
ob 13. uri v sejni sobi odseka E8 (2. nadstropje glavne zgradbe IJS). 
Posnetki in materiali preteklih seminarjev so dostopni na http://solomon.ijs.si/.

Tokrat bomo gostili Matejo Jamnik, ki sicer dela na univerzi
v Cambridgeu, ukvarja pa se z raznimi vidiki avtomatskega
dokazovanja izrekov. Na seminarju bo predstavila t.i.
diagramatsko sklepanje, kjer gre za dokazovanje izrekov s 
pomocjo graficnih postopkov, ki so obicajno za opazovalca 
precej bolj intuitivni kot standardni postopki dokazovanja.

Mateja Jamnik, University of Cambridge:

        Can diagrammatic reasoning be automated? 

Theorems in automated theorem proving are usually proved by 
formal logical proofs. However, there is a subset of problems which 
humans can prove by the use of geometric operations on diagrams, so 
called diagrammatic proofs. Insight is often more clearly perceived 
in these proofs than in the corresponding algebraic proofs; they 
capture an intuitive notion of truthfulness that humans find easy to 
see and understand. We are investigating and automating such 
diagrammatic reasoning about mathematical theorems. Concrete, rather 
than general diagrams are used to prove particular concrete instances 
of the universally quantified theorem. The diagrammatic proof is 
captured by the use of geometric operations on the diagram. These 
operations are the ``inference steps'' of the proof. An abstracted 
schematic proof of the universally quantified theorem is induced from 
these proof instances. The constructive omega-rule provides the 
mathematical basis for this step from schematic proofs to 
theoremhood. In this way we avoid the difficulty of treating a 
general case in a diagram. One method of confirming that the 
abstraction of the schematic proof from the proof instances is sound 
is proving the correctness of schematic proofs in the meta-theory of 
diagrams. These ideas have been implemented in the system, called 
DIAMOND, which is presented here.