[Solomonov Seminar] 86. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 16:17:36 +0200

Vabim vas na 86. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek, 
2. julija 2002 ob 13. uri v sejni sobi odseka E8 IJS
 (2. nadstropje glavne zgradbe IJS). Posnetki in materiali 
preteklih  seminarjev so dostopni na http://solomon.ijs.si/.

Tokratni seminar je zadnji v letosnji sezoni. S seminarjem bomo 
nadaljevali v septembru. Nekaj naslovov iz jesenskega dela:
  Vlado Batagelj: Analiza Reutersovih novic po 11. septembru
  Drago Matko: Robotski nogomet
  Matevz Bren: Merjenje in ocenjevanje razdalj med objekti
  Jure Dimec: Multilingual Information Retrieval
  Marko Grobelnik: Vizualizacija besedil in korpusov
  Janez Brank: Avtomatska klasifikacija slik
  Miro Romih: Orodja za prevajanja iz Slovenscine v Anglescino

Torkov seminar bo imel gost slovenskega drustva ACM
Barrett Bryant na temo podajanja specifikacij za informacijske
sisteme v naravnem jeziku kot alternativa UMLju in podobnim

Barrett Bryant (The University of Alabama at Birmingham):
Object-Oriented Natural Language Requirements Specification

Recent advances in software technology such as the development 
of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) have not reduced the need 
for better requirements specification. Natural language remains the 
method of choice for producing such documents. These informal 
specifications must be turned into more formal designs on the way 
to a complete implementation. These formal requirements are 
necessary not only for the rapid prototyping of the evolving software 
systems but also to provide a standard reference model upon which 
all successive implementations should be constructed. This presentation
describes on-going research in automating the construction of software
systems from a natural language requirements specification, building 
upon the theories of Two-Level Grammar (TLG), object-oriented design 
and the Vienna Development Method for formal specification.