[Solomonov Seminar] 59. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 17:43:23 +0100

Vabim vas na 59. Solomonov seminar, ki bo
v torek (13.11.2001) ob 13h v veliki predavalnici IJS.
... posnetke preteklih seminarjev si lahko ogledate na

Tokratna tema bo iz podrocja Knowledge-Managementa,
ki je v zadnjih letih (spet) na pohodu in pridobiva kar precej
pozornosti tudi v komercialnih sferah. Gost iz Moskve
Dmitri Soshnikov, nam bo predstavil in demonstriral
svoj sistem za manipulacijo z bazami znanja.

Dmitri Soshnikov
Moscow Aviation Technical University, Department of
Numerical Mathematics and Programming  

JULIA - A Java-based toolkit for building distributed 
knowledge-based systems for knowledge sharing 
and re-use based on production-frame knowledge

The effective ways of sharing expert knowledge over computer networks are
important for many modern applications in intelligent information systems.
While some existing approaches are based on portable ontologies and their
use in multi-agent systems, we intend to show that classical frame knowledge
representation with production rules can be successfully used for collective
knowledge sharing and re-use. Frame hierarchy in such a system is
distributed over the network, and different types of inheritance are
introduced that allow transferring dynamic knowledge or applying it
remotely, and also modeling blackboard architecture. Frame knowledge
representation also allows for natural integration with relational databases
and object/component software models, giving alternative approach to active
and deductive databases for reasoning over relational data.
A toolkit called JULIA (Java Universal Library for Intelligent Applications)
has been developed that supports outlined approach. Due to some distinctive
features, it can also be successfully used in creating standalone and
embedded intelligent applications, including web-based systems. In the
presentation, some of the applications would be outlined, including
intelligent adaptive testing, tutoring systems, intelligent information
system for medical diagnosis and others.