[SlovLit] Hrvaško strokovno izrazje -- Slovenski večer na Dunaju

Miran Hladnik gmail miran.hladnik na gmail.com
Sre Apr 27 22:06:45 CEST 2016

From: Fišer, Darja <Darja.Fiser na ff.uni-lj.si>
Date: 2016-04-27 13:02 GMT+02:00
Subject: [SDJT-L] [JOTA]: Vabilo na majsko Joto
To: "slovlit na ijs.si" <slovlit na ijs.si>

Dragi vsi, prav lepo vabljeni na majsko Joto, na kateri dr. Bruno
Nahod z Inštituta za hrvaški jezik in jezikoslovje iz Zagreba
predstavil projekt izgradnje hrvaškega strokovnega izrazja Struna.
Predavanje bo 10. 5. 2016 ob 16.30 v predavalnici 31 na Filozofski
fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Prav lep pozdrav, Darja Fišer

Struna: Methodology, Practice, and Future

Struna is the Croatian national term bank (http://struna.ihjj.hr/).
Its aim is to gradually standardize Croatian terminology for all
professional domains. After eight years of database development, 20
processed domains and a number of big and small customizations of the
methodology the Department of General Linguistics is getting ready to
take on a new batch of projects of terminology processing. The aim of
this presentation is to introduce the unique model of terminological
processing and term retrieval that is used in the Struna term base.
Furthermore, we will try to present some of the problems in term-unit
processing that are specific to multi-domain term bases, as well as
the solutions that were implemented in order to solve some of them. In
the final part of the presentation, we will present the theoretical
background and a possible practical implementation of Domain Cognitive
Models (DCM); a new terminology paradigm. The development of the DCM
arises as a possible means of dealing with the inadequate methodology
that is, in most aspects, based on the Vienna School of terminology.


From: Elizabeta M. Jenko <elizabeta.jenko na univie.ac.at>
Date: 2016-04-27 20:22 GMT+02:00
Subject: Slovenski večer 19. 5. 2016 ob 18:30 na Inštitutu za
slavistiko Univerze na Dunaju, 1090, AAKH Hof 3, Spitalgasse 2-4

- Tanja Mirtič, ZRC SAZU, Inšitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša: Portal Fran
- Saška Štumberger, Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta:
Slovensko enojezično slovaropisje po letu 1991
- Družabni večer

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