[SlovLit] Program za besedilno analizo -- Učiti + raziskovati -- Literarni kvizi -- Konferenca o Srednji Evropi v Brnu

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Sob Mar 22 18:59:00 CET 2014

http://langtech.ch/textable -- Orange Textable v1.4.1 (program za
analizo besedil)
(odlomek iz navodil)


Od: BLAZIC, Milena Mileva <milena.blazic na guest.arnes.si>
Datum: 20. marec 2014 21:15
Zadeva: There is a crisis in universities: It's in teaching undergrads
- The Globe and Mail

[...] zanimive debate o podobnih problemih na različnih univerzah:


From: Nina Kokelj <ninakokelj na gmail.com>
To: slovlit na ijs.si
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:03:48 +0100

[...] S tem pismom bi vas rada podrobneje informirala o literarnih
kvizih na 19. Slovenskih dnevih knjige na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani
in vas povabila, da prijavite "vaše" otroke. Gre za duhovito aluzijo
na - v spominih še živ - kviz "Lepo je biti miljonar", ki ga je vodil
Jonas. Mi smo naš literarni kviz naslovili "Lepo je biti bralec".
Moderator, simpatičen igralec Gašper Jarni na oder povabi predstavnike
dveh šol, ki tekmujejo v kvizu - vprašanja je pripravila mladinska
pisateljica Majda Koren, gre, seveda, za zanke iz področja literature.
Nastopajoči imajo tri zasilne izhode; glas ljudstva, polovička ter
pokliči profesorico Sovo. Lani se je za mlade izkušnja sodelovanja v
literarnih kvizih (in navijanja za sošolke in sošolce) izkazala za
zelo pozitivno, domiseln preplet zabave in preizkušanja v znanju o

Termin literarnih kvizov na 19. Slovenskih dnevih knjige (Ljubljana,
Kongresni trg):
- torek, 15. 4. 2014 ob 11h
- četrtek, 17. 4. 2014 ob 11h
- petek, 18. 4. 2014 ob 11h.

Sodelovanje v kvizu je brezplačno. Če bi želeli vključiti otroke, ki
jih poučujete, se mi, prosim, javite. Prisrčen pozdrav z Društva
slovenskih pisateljev.

Nina Kokelj
Programska vodja 19. Slovenskih dnevov knjige
[Več na http://www.osmj.si/lit/466-2014-03-10-18-50-07.html]


From: Ivo Pospíšil <ivo.pospisil na phil.muni.cz>
Date: 2014-03-22 18:35 GMT+01:00
Subject: konference conference конференция

[Citiramo: ] "The Central European Centre of Slavonic Studies in
cooperation with the Czech Association of Slavists, The Frank Wollman
Society of Slavists, and the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the
Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University organizes the international
scientific conference Central Europe Past and Present: Transformations
of Conceptions  (Language – Literature – Culture – Politics –
Philosophy). Scala Cinema, Moravské náměstí 3, Brno, Czech Republic,
18-19 November 2014.

The conference focuses on the summarization and revisison of the
contemporary state of complex research in Central Europe. The
conceptions of Central Europe went through several stages during
recent decades; they were integrated in various political and cultural
 contexts. The themes of the conference  should focus both on the
history and application concerning the evolution of the conceptions of
Central Europe and the concrete research of the phenomena usually
labelled as Central European on the one side, and on the
theoretical-methodological problems based on the analyses of the
modifications of more general concepts of Central Europe in all the
spheres mentioned in the subtitle, best of all  in mutual permeation,
on the other. Otherwise, the thematic clusters are not limited: thus,
the following subjects should be understood rather as orientational

Central Europe as a cultural area
The existing Central Europe research in Central European countries
The centres of Central Europe research
The existing conceptions of Central Europe and their modifications
The notion of the so-called Central European literature/literatures
Slavonic-non-Slavonic Central Europe
The role of Hungary in Central Europe: past and present
Does „homo Europae centralis“ exist?
What is the territorial range of Central Europe?
Central Europe as a political, cultural and spiritual entity
The Visegrád Four: success, failure, or routine?
Central Europe as a focus of revolution and opposition
The concept of Central Europe and the EU
Central Europe as an attractive model for the Balkans and the European East

Conference languages: all Slavonic, Hungarian (best of all with an
extensive handout in Czech/English/German), German, English

Accommodation reservations are made and the travel and stay expenses
are covered by the participants themselves or by their institutions.
Conference fee 1000 Czech crowns or EUR 40. Тhе registered
participants will be asked to pay the fee, due date most probably 31
October 2014.  Applications containing the applicant‘s name, address,
institution name and address as well as the title of his/her paper
with a short annotation in English (up to 10 lines) should be sent to:
Ivo.Pospisil na phil.muni.cz
Deadline: 31 May 2014." [Konec citata -- mh]

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