[SlovLit] Alumni -- Globalizacija in literatura -- Strojno razumevanje besedila

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Pon Sep 30 17:14:41 CEST 2013

From: Jolka Milič <jolka.milic na siol.net>
Date: 2013/9/30
Subject: RE: [SlovLit] Nekdanji diplomanti

In zakaj slovenščino z - alumni - tako obupno krotovičite? En sam pameten
odgovor mi povejte, da ne bom nad vaše društvo čisto scagala in duši si
frdamala. Pa brez zamere in z njo
jolka milič


Od: jhabjan <jhabjan na zrc-sazu.si>
Datum: 30. september 2013 16:28
Zadeva: Globalizacija in literatura

Podiplomski program Globalizacija in literatura münchenske univerze
LMU razpisuje dveletno podoktorsko službo:

Lep pozdrav,


From: Tomaz Erjavec <tomaz.erjavec na ijs.si>
Date: 2013/9/30
Subject: [SDJT-L] Predavanje: Machine Understanding for Interactive Storytelling

V torek, 1. oktobra bo ob 14h v Veliki predavalnici IJS
(prvo nadstropje glavne stavbe) 257. Solomonov seminar.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so nahttp://videolectures.net/solomon/

[Citiramo vabilo -- mh :] "Speakers: Marie-Francine Moens and Marc Cavazza
Title: Machine Understanding for Interactive Storytelling: The MUSE project

The talk will present the developments performed in the
first year of the MUSE FET-Open project "Machine Understanding for
Interactive Storytelling". MUSE introduces a new way of exploring
and understanding narratives by "bringing text to life" through
translating documents into virtual worlds where the user can
interact with the content in a game-like experience.
Through a combination of methods from machine learning (ML),
natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI),
interactive storytelling (IS) and virtual reality (VR), MUSE aims
to develop a new text understanding system that can read a text,
identify the key actors, objects and actions, and translate these
into a formal representation that can be used to populate
a virtual world. MUSE will evaluate the developed text
understanding system on two scenarios of children story
understanding and medical patient education.

Marie-Francine Moens is a professor at KU Leuven, Belgium, where she
leads the Language Intelligence and Information Retrieval (LIIR)
research team. She is author of more than 240 international
publications among which are two monographs published by Springer. She
is involved in the program committees of major conferences (ACL,

Marc Cavazza is a Professor and the Assistant Dean for Research in the
School of Computing at Teesside University. He has published over 200
papers and served on over 150 Conference Programme Committees,
including major conferences such as ACM Multimedia, ACM IUI, AAMAS,

Tomaž Erjavec, http://nl.ijs.si/et/

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