[SlovLit] Elektronske edicije -- Služba na Finskem
Miran Hladnik, Siol
miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Tor Apr 21 21:17:55 CEST 2009
http://llc.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol24/issue1/index.dtl?etoc --
posebna številka revije Literary and Linguist Computing na temo
elektronskih izdaj, april 2009.
From: "Sarkka, Kati" <Kati.Sarkka na lionbridge.com>
To: <sdjt-l na ijs.si>
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:18 PM
Subject: [SDJT-L] Job opening for a native Slovenian Computational Linguistic/Language Technology Engineer
Our company is looking for a Computational Linguistic/Language Technology Engineer for Slovenian language.
Please find the position details below.
Yours sincerely, Kati Särkkä
Human Resources Manager
Hermiankatu 3 A
33720 Tampere, FINLAND
kati.sarkka na lionbridge.com
Position title: Computational Linguists/Language Technology Engineers
Location: Tampere/Finland, http://www.tampere.fi/english/index.html
Close date: 30.4.2009
Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: LIOX) is a leading provider of globalization and
testing services. Lionbridge combines global resources with proven program management
methodologies to serve as an outsource partner throughout a client's product and content
lifecycle -- from development to globalization, testing and maintenance.
Global organizations in all industries rely on Lionbridge services to increase international market
share, speed adoption of global products and content, and enhance their return on
enterprise applications and IT system investments.
Based in Waltham, Mass., Lionbridge now maintains more than 50 solution centers in
25 countries and provides services under the Lionbridge and VeriTest brands.
Required Skills/Background:
*Educational background in computational linguistics
*Experience in software development
*Experience with at least one scripting language
*Experience in document authoring, styling, and change control.
*Localization/Internationalization experience
*Ability to take initiative and manage oneself
*The ability to deal effectively with people, requiring tact, courtesy, patience and an outgoing personality
*Great attention to detail
*Coordination skills
*Good communication skills
*Good organizational and analytical skills, with the ability to work in a logical and methodical way.
*Experience in analyzing language (recognition) and/or synthesizing language (generation).
*Experience in machine and automated translation process
*Experience in working in/with large international companies
*Experience in working in a multicultural environment Education/Certification Required
*Relevant university level studies, for example a Master's degree in computational Linguistics
Please add the following details in your application:
*Your availability
*Desired salary
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