[SlovLit] Podoba Turka na ozemlju današnje Slovenije in podoba Franka v Osmanskem cesarstvu

Miran Hladnik, Siol miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Tor Sep 25 10:35:06 CEST 2007

From: "Glavna pisarna FF" <Glavnapisarna.fakultete na ff.uni-lj.si>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9:55 AM
Subject: Podoba Turka na ozemlju današnje Slovenije in podoba Franka v Osmanskem cesarstvu

V okviru Filozofske fakultete bo v dneh od 28. do 29. 9. 2007 potekal mednarodni simpozij 
Podoba 'Turka' na ozemlju današnje Slovenije in podoba 'Franka' v Osmanskem cesarstvu.  
Na otvoritvi dne 28. 9. 2007 ob 10. uri bosta udeležence pozdravila prorektor Univerze v Ljubljani 
prof. dr. Peter Maček in ambasadorka Republike Turčije njena ekscelenca gospa Sina Baydur.
Dogajalo se bo v dvorani Ivana Hribarja v poslopju Univerze v Ljubljani na Kongresnem trgu 12 
(2. nadstropje). Predavanja bodo v angleščini. Vabljeni vsi, ki vas ta tematika zanima. 

28. 9. FF, Aškerčeva 2. 
10:00 The opening of the symposium. 
10:30 The morning session chaired by Prof. Rajko Muršič: 
Božidar Jezernik , The Changing Image of the Turk 
Gülgun Üçel-Aybet, The Influence of the Ottoman Regional Policy on the Cultural and Economic Life in Slovenia 
Edhem Eldem, From Indifference and Contempt to Love and Hate: The Perception of 'Franks' in Ottoman Culture 

15:00 The afternoon session chaired by Prof. Edhem Eldem 
Nedret Kuran-Burçoglu, A Comparative Imagological Analysis of the Mutual 
Images of the Balkan People and the Turks, in History and Today 
Antoine Gailly, Projections of Unconscious Cultural Collective Fantasms of 
Constructions of 'Alterity' and 'Superiority' 
Rajko Muršič, On Turks and Primeval Fear: a Critique of the Aberrational Mind and Its Creation of the 'Other' 
Alenka Bartulović, Myth of 'Turkish Incursions': from Its Construction to Reappearance 

29. 9. 
10:00 The morning session chaired by Prof. Gülgun Üçel-Aybet: 
Nazan Aksoy, Three Levels of Othering in the Early Turkish Novel: The Westernised 
Woman, the Merchant and the Giaour 
Bojan Baskar, 'The First Slovenian Poet in a Mosque': Oriental Travels and Writings 
of the Nineteenth - century Poet Anton Aškerc 
Bülent Aksoy, Music among the Ottomans through European Eyes 
Svanibor Pettan, Interethnic Perceptions in Kosovo and the Alaturka-Alafranga Continuum 

15:00 The afternoon session chaired by Prof. Božidar Jezernik: 
Günsel Renda, The Image of the European in Ottoman Painting 
Peter Simonič, Predators of Beauty 
Miha Pintarič, On Turcisms in Slovenian 

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