[SlovLit] Re: Manj na teden, vendar celo življenje

Arnes miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Pet Okt 24 10:23:57 CEST 2003

Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 22:05:44 -0400
From: Tom Lozar <lozhar na videotron.ca>
Subject: anglosaski dottori
To: slovlit na ijs.si

I have no idea where people get the idea that in the "Anglo-Saxon"
system you are a dottore once you finish three years of university.
Silly Italy is hardly Anglo-Saxon. As for generally comparing the
quality of degrees in the outside world to the quality in Slovenia,
pardon my cynicism, but certainly in the liberal arts, there's probably
not much good to be said of either.  I suspect your students are as
illiterate as ours.  Yours in the struggle, DR. Tom Lozar

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