[SlovLit] Biznis, erotika, plonkanje in slaba vest

Miran Hladnik miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Tor Maj 21 11:31:56 CEST 2002

1. Looking for a linguist for Slovenian Proofing Tools evaluation
2. Ena cedejka, ena spletna stran in eno predavanje


1. Looking for a linguist for Slovenian Proofing Tools evaluation

Sinead Mooney iz Microsofta piše: "Our team is receiving a new version of
Slovenian Proofing Tools in a few weeks time and we are currently looking
for suitable candidates to carry out a linguistic assessment of these tools.
This work is scheduled to happen over the month of July, with the final
stage of the work happening in mid September. The tools that need to be
evaluated are a Slovenian Speller and Hyphenator and a Slovenian Thesaurus.

We are looking for an independent linguist, who is familiar with Proofing
Tools, has his/her own test PC and is knowledgeable about Microsoft
applications and software installation procedures. It is very important that
any candidate for this work has a spare PC (one which can be formatted
before the evaluation), to which they have unrestricted access.

The evaluation involves (1) the gathering of corpora, (2) full linguistic
testing of the tool and (3) a final review of the new tool once it has been
updated by our vendor. The overall process could take a few months from
beginning to end (more detail is available on this if required).

We provide the Proofing Tools files and any other software that is required
for the work. We also provide linguistic criteria and template documents.
Due to lack of resources, we provide only limited support for
technical/software installation issues.

We pay a flat rate fee of USD$2,000 for the Speller and Hyphenator
evaluation and USD$1,500 for the Thesaurus evaluation. Payment is issued
only after all stages of the work have been completed and will be made by US
Dollar cheque."

Podrobnejše informacije izbrskam za morebitne interesente. miran


2. Ena cedejka, ena spletna stran in eno predavanje

Ker je to menda res prva zgoščenka s slovensko radijsko igro, je vredna
posebnega opozorila: Milan Kleč, Porno (štiri kratke erotične radijske
igre). Predstavitev v klubu Gajo 22. maja 2002 ob 10.30.

Http://www.plagiarism.org/ -- stran z informacijami, ki naj preprečijo
internetno plonkanje. Obstajajo orodja, ki omogočajo učitelju hitro
ugotoviti, če študentje plonkajo med sabo ali kopirajo referate kar z
interneta. Moj napotek v izogib plonkanju je preprostejši: referati naj se
ne ukvarjajo s kanoniziranimi in stokrat prežvečenimi avtorji ter besedili,
ampak naj učitelji dajo na seznam neznana in prej še nikoli obdelana

Prav zdajle, ko pišem tole prepozno sporočilo, predava na FF Zvonko Kovač o
sodobni hrvaški poeziji. Z opravičili, miran

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