OPOMNIK: Kako učinkovita je lahko trajnostna preskrba s hrano?
Glavna Pisarna
Glavna.Pisarna at ki.si
Wed Sep 16 13:11:29 CEST 2020
vljudno vabljeni na spletni posvet: Kako učinkovita je lahko trajnostna preskrba s hrano in kako uspešno jo uvajamo?
Kemijski inštitut v sodelovanju s Slovenskim Združenjem za kakovost in odličnost ter Gospodarsko Zbornico Slovenije organizira spletni posvet na temo učinkovitosti zelene prehranske verige, ki bo potekal 17. in 18. septembra 2020.
Učinkovita, varna in trajnostna preskrba s hrano je eden od ciljev Evropskega zelenega dogovora. Zelena prehranska veriga sloni na kratkih preskrbovalnih verigah, preprečuje izgube hrane in zmanjšuje količino odpadne hrane. Uporablja embalažo, ki je v največji možni meri del krožnega gospodarstva in je okolju prijazna. Odvečna hrana gre v dobrodelne namene in ne v odpad.
Dogodek bo možno spremljati preko platforme Webex in Facebook, po njem pa bo na voljo tudi posnetek. Posvet bo v slovenščini.
Kemijski inštitut je partner projekta Education and Tools to manage fluxes of resources in the Circular Food Chain (EAT-circular<https://reducefoodprint.org/eatc/>), ki ga sofinancira EIT ClimateKIC<https://www.climate-kic.org/>. Cilj projekta je pregledati, povezati in izboljšati obstoječe strategije za zmanjšanje količin odpadne hrane.
Program posveta s povezavami je v priponki, več o dogodku izveste tudi tukaj: http://bit.ly/EatCircular
Več informacij: Marta Klanjšek Gunde ( marta.k.gunde at ki.si<mailto:marta.k.gunde at ki.si>).
Vljudno vabljeni!
Dear all,
you are kindly invited to join online discussion: How effective can be a sustainable food supply and how successfully are we introducing it?
National Institute of Chemistry, in cooperation with the Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, is organizing an online event addressing these problems, which will take place on 17 and 18 September 2020.
Efficient, secure and sustainable food supply is one of the objectives of the European Green Deal. The green food chain relies on short supply chains, prevents food losses and reduces the amount of food waste. It uses packaging that is compatible with the circular economy and is environmentally friendly. Excess food goes to charity and not to waste.
It will be possible to attend the event via Webex and Facebook platforms. The conference will be in Slovene.
National Institute of Chemistry is a partner of the project Education and Tools to manage fluxes of resources in the Circular Food Chain (EAT-circular), co-financed by EIT ClimateKIC. The project aims to review, integrate and improve existing strategies to reduce food waste.
The consultation program is attached, you can also find more about the event here: http://bit.ly/EatCircular1
More information: Marta Klanjšek Gunde (marta.k.gunde at ki.si<mailto:marta.k.gunde at ki.si> ).
Kindly invited!
Marta Klanjšek Gunde
Izr. prof. dr., višja znanstvena sodelavka / Assoc. Prof. Dr., Senior Researcher
Odsek za kemijo materialov / Department of Materials Chemistry
Kemijski inštitut / National Institute of Chemistry
Hajdrihova 19
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovenija / Slovenia
Telefon / Phone: 00386 1 476 02 91
marta.k.gunde at ki.si<mailto:marta.k.gunde at ki.si> www.ki.si<http://www.ki.si/>
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