Vabilo na Forum 40, 8. 12. ob 13:00

Brigita Pirc brigita.pirc at
Mon Nov 28 12:02:26 CET 2016


V četrtek, 8. decembra ob 13h ste vabljeni na predavanje v sklopu Foruma40. Svoje raziskave bo predstavila dr. Mojca Rangus iz Odseka za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo. Več podrobnosti o predavanju si lahko ogledate v priponki. Kot je že v navadi, predavanju sledi druženje ter pogostitev s sokom, kavo in piškoti, in sicer pred veliko predavalnico.
Se vidimo. Lep pozdrav,

Petar Djinović


Dear colleagues,

On Thursday, December 8th at 13h we are continuing with the Forum40 lectures. On this occasion, dr. Mojca Rangus from the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology will present her research. More info is available in the attachment. After the lecture you are kindly welcome to enjoy the refreshments in front of the lecture hall. Hope to see you there.
Best regards,

Petar Djinović


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