Novoletno voščilo - New Years Wish

Spela.Stres at Spela.Stres at
Thu Dec 29 09:14:13 CET 2011

Dragi partnerji in prijatelji,
naj bo leto 2012 uspešno, zdravo in prijetno!
     Skupina TT, skupna pisarna za prenos tehnologij Instituta Jožef
Stefan in Kemijskega inštituta Ljubljana

Dear partners and friends,
may the year 2012 be successful, healthy and enjoyable!
     TT Group, joint technology transfer office of Jožef Stefan Institute
and National Institute of Chemistry

Špela Stres, Dr. Sc., Dipl. Phys., BA, Patent Attorney
Head,  CTT-Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation
Vice-President, ASTP-Association of Science and Technology Professionals
t: +386 1 477 3243 / m:+386 41 917 994 / s: spela_stres
JSI-Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana

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