FW: International school

Brigita Pirc brigita.pirc at ki.si
Fri May 6 13:41:19 CEST 2011


		*From:* Polonca Trebse [mailto:polonca.trebse at ung.si] 

		*Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2011 11:18 AM

		*Subject:* International school


		Dear Friends, 


		Professors at Graduate study programme in Environmental sciences at

		University of Nova Gorica would like to continue the series of

		International schools which we started as pre-event of  EMEC11

		conference. From that reason i would like to invite you to participate

		to International summer school entitled Atmospheric pollution:

		chemistry, transport and monitoring; which will be held from 5.-18.

		June 2011 in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. 


		More about the school, programme, speakers, accomodation, deadlines

		etc. you may find on the web

		site http://sabotin.ung.si/~isschool/index.html


		I would like to ask you to spread this information among your friends

		and other people who might be interested in as well.


		With regards and hopes to see you in Nova Gorica again, Polonca




		Prof. dr. Polonca Trebše

		Laboratorij za raziskave v okolju

		Univerza v Novi Gorici

		Telefon: +386 5 331 52 38

		faks: +386 5 331 52 96

		el. posta: polonca.trebse at ung.si <mailto:polonca.trebse at ung.si>


		Dr. Polonca Trebše, Assoc. prof.

		Laboratory for Environmental Research

		University of Nova Gorica

		Phone: +386 5 331 52 38

		fax: +386 5 331 52 96

		e-mail: polonca.trebse at ung.si <mailto:polonca.trebse at ung.si>





	Prof. dr. Polonca Trebše

	Laboratorij za raziskave v okolju

	Univerza v Novi Gorici

	Telefon: +386 5 331 52 38

	faks: +386 5 331 52 96

	el. posta: polonca.trebse at ung.si <mailto:polonca.trebse at ung.si>




	Dr. Polonca Trebše, Assoc. prof.

	Laboratory for Environmental Research

	University of Nova Gorica

	Phone: +386 5 331 52 38

	fax: +386 5 331 52 96

	e-mail: polonca.trebse at ung.si <mailto:polonca.trebse at ung.si>





Prof. dr. Polonca Trebše

Laboratorij za raziskave v okolju

Univerza v Novi Gorici

Telefon: +386 5 331 52 38

faks: +386 5 331 52 96

el. posta: polonca.trebse at ung.si


Dr. Polonca Trebše, Assoc. prof.

Laboratory for Environmental Research

University of Nova Gorica

Phone: +386 5 331 52 38

fax: +386 5 331 52 96

e-mail: polonca.trebse at ung.si


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