FW: 3rd EuCheMS Congress: Travel grants for young scientists from Central and Eastern Europe
Brigita Pirc
brigita.pirc at ki.si
Thu Apr 1 13:03:39 CEST 2010
From: Slavko Kaucic
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 10:23 AM
To: Brigita Pirc
Subject: FW: 3rd EuCheMS Congress: Travel grants for young scientists from Central and Eastern Europe
prosim, če posredujete zaposlenim na KI, FKKT UL, FKKT UM, IJS in na UNG.
Lep pozdrav,
Prof. Venčeslav Kaučič
Slovensko kemijsko društvo
From: Evelyn McEwan [mailto:McEwanE at rsc.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:42 PM
To: Paraic James (paraic.james at dcu.ie); Mariann Holmberg (mariann.holmberg at arcada.fi); Wolfgang von Rybinski (rybinski at bunsen.de); Ernst de Bruijn (ernst.debruijn at med.kuleuven.be); Milan Drabik (uachmdra at savba.sk); Ehud Keinan (keinan at technion.ac.il); Mario N Berberan-Santos (berberan at ist.utl.pt); Roma Tauler (rtaqam at iiqab.csic.es); Michael Droescher (michael.droescher at evonik.com); Karl Lackner (Karl.Lackner at ipp.mpg.de); Peter Westh (pwesth at ruc.dk); Luigi Campanella (soc.chim.it at agora.it); Olivier Homolle (olivier.homolle at societechimiquedefrance.fr); Stavros Kalogiannis (stavroskg at yahoo.com); Peter Matyus (Peter.matyus at szerves.sote.hu); Venko Beschkov (vbeschkov at yahoo.com); Nesrin Emekl (mehmah at istanbul.edu.tr); Juan Sancho Rof (anquejg at mail.ddnet.es); A Tivert (031.183495 at telia.com); Baldomero Lopez Perez (baldomerolopez at anque.es); A E Lambert (albert.lambert at ci.educ.lu); A Oberholz (oberholz at dechema.de); Jitka Ulrichova (jitkaulrichova at seznam.cz); Tor Hemmingsen (tor.hemmingsen at uis.no); Boguslaw Buszewski (bbusz at chem.uni.torun.pl); Haio Harms (h.harms at lenzing.com); Minos Leontidis (psleon at ucy.ac.cy); Klaus Muellen (Praesident at gdch.de); Nazario Martin (nazmar at quim.ucm.es); Yu A Zolotov (zolotov at igic.ras.ru); Zeljko Jacimovic (zeljkoj at cg.ac.yu); A Armando Zingales (cnc at chimici.it); Wolfgang Lindner (wolfgang.lindner at univie.ac.at); Svetomir Hadzi Jordanov (shj at ian.tmf.ukim.edu.mk); Ivanka Popovic (ivanka at elab.tmf.bg.ac.yu); Sorin Rosca (sm_rosca at chim.upb.ro); Peter Kundig (Peter.Kundig at chiorg.unige.ch); External Garner; J-P Dath (src at ulb.ac.be); Ilirjan Malollari (ilir.malo at excite.com); Pavel Sarkisov (sarkisov at muctr.ru); Slavko Kaucic; Peteris Trapencieris (peteris at osi.lv); Elena Dominguez (elena.dominguez at uah.es); Martin Post (julia.martin at xs4all.nl); Vitomir Sunjic (sunjic at rudjer.irb.hr); Armando Pombeiro (pombeiro at ist.utl.pt)
Subject: 3rd EuCheMS Congress: Travel grants for young scientists from Central and Eastern Europe
To: Presidents of EuCheMS Member Societies, Dear EuCheMS Colleague
I have pleasure in forwarding information on travel grants available from the JungChemikerForum Frankfurt am Main to support young people actively participating in the Nürnberg Congress. The candidates must be studying chemistry or a chemistry related degree programme in countries in Eastern Europe. You can see from the attached information that these countries are:
Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, FYRO Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
I should be grateful if you could please publicise the availability of these travel grants.
If you have any questions about the grants, please contact Andreas Lill e-mail: lill at pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de <mailto:lill at pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de>
With best wishes,
Evelyn McEwan
EuCheMS General Secretary
From: Andreas Lill [mailto:lill at pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de]
Sent: 11 February 2010 07:57
To: Evelyn McEwan
Subject: 3rd EuCheMS Congress: Travel grants for young scientist from Central and Eastern Europe
Dear Mrs. McEwan
My name is Andreas Lill. I’m the spokesman of the JungChemikerForum Frankfurt am Main (regional youth organization of the GDCh).
As you might have heard the JungChemikerForum Frankfurt am Main (JCF FFM) awards ten travel grants (each 250€) for young scientist from Central and Eastern Europe* to attend the 3rd EuCheMS congress in Nuremberg (further information www.jungchemiker.de/stipendien).
In order to let “them” know about the grants we need your help. Could you please send the attached flyer and poster to the different EuCheMS member societies, so that they can publish/send it to their younger members?
Besides we have asked Mr. Sergej Toews from the EuropeanYoungChemistsNetwork (EYCN) to help us to advertised the travel grants.
Thank you!
Kind regards
Andreas Lill
(* eligible countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, Former Republic Yugoslavia of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine)
JungChemikerForum Frankfurt am Main
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität
Max von Laue Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt am Main
email: lill at pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de
phone: 069-798-29317
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