IJS KOLOKVIJ, torek, 19. 3. 20224, ob 13. uri, prof. dr. Danilo Zavrtanik
Nataša Goševac
Natasa.Gosevac at ijs.si
Tue Mar 19 09:03:32 CET 2024
Vabimo vas na predavanje v okviru »Kolokvijev IJS« ob letošnjih Dnevih Jožefa Stefana, ki bo danes, v torek, 19. marca 2024, ob 13:00 v Veliki predavalnici Instituta »Jožef Stefan« na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Predavanje bo v slovenščini. Na voljo bodo kava, pijača in prigrizki.
Predstavitev znanstvenih dosežkov na področju eksperimentalne fizike in astrofizike osnovnih delcev
prof. dr. Danilo Zavrtanik
Univerza v Novi Gorici in Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Slovenija
Kot prejemnik Zoisove nagrade za življenjsko delo na področju fizike in astrofizike osnovnih delcev bom na kratko predstavil svoje raziskovalno delo v zadnjih 45 letih. Eksperimentalno delo sem opravil v okviru velikih mednarodnih kolaboracij kot so CPLEAR in DELPHI v CERN-u, astrofizikalne meritve pa v observatorijih PAO (Pierre Auger Observatory) in CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array). Predstavil bom vrhunske rezultate po osebnem izboru, in sicer meritve kršitve simetrij T in CPT, meritve števila nevtrinov v naravi, iskanje Higgsovega bozona, načrtovanje in izgradnjo Observatorija Pierre Auger, iskanje izvorov kozmičnih žarkov ekstremnih energij in nastanek večglasniške astronomije.
O predavatelju: Danilo Zavrtanik je znanstveni svetnik na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« in profesor na Univerzi v Novi Gorici. V preteklosti je bil direktor Instituta »Jožef Stefan«, kasneje pa član njegovega znanstvenega sveta in nato upravnega odbora. Do nedavnega je bil rektor Univerze v Novi Gorici. Leta 2023 je prejel Zoisovo nagrado za življenjsko delo na področju fizike in astrofizike osnovnih delcev.
Napovednik predavanja in posnetke preteklih predavanj najdete na novi spletni strani »Kolokvijev IJS« <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, posnetke pa tudi posebej na <https://video.arnes.si/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS (zadnje tri sezone) in <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (starejši).
We invite you to the lecture in the framework of »JSI Colloquia« on this year's Jožef Stefan days, which will take place today, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the main lecture hall of Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39 in Ljubljana. The lecture will be held in Slovenian. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be available.
Presentation of scientific achievements in the field of experimental physics and astrophysics of elementary particles
Prof. dr. Danilo Zavrtanik
University of Nova Gorica and Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
As the recipient of the Zois Lifetime Achievements Award in the field of physics and astrophysics of elementary particles, I will briefly present my research work over the past 45 years. My experimental work was carried out within large international collaborations such as CPLEAR and DELPHI at CERN, while my astrophysical measurements took place at the Pierre Auger Observatory (PAO) and the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). I will highlight outstanding results based on my personal selection, including measurements of T and CPT symmetry violations, neutrino counts in nature, the search for the Higgs boson, the planning and construction of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the quest for the origins of extremely high-energy cosmic rays, and the emergence of multi-messenger astronomy.
About the lecturer: Danilo Zavrtanik is a scientific councilor at the Jožef Stefan Institute and a professor at the University of Nova Gorica. In the past, he was the director of the Jožef Stefan Institute, and later a member of its scientific council and then its board of governors. Until recently, he was the rector of the University of Nova Gorica. In 2023, he received the Zois Lifetime Achievements Award in the field of physics and astrophysics of elementary particles.
The lecture trailer and recordings of past lectures can be found on the new website of »JSI colloquia« <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, and recordings specifically at <https://video.arnes.si/en/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/en/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS (last three seasons) and <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (older).
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