OPOMNIK: IJS KOLOKVIJ, 23. 3. 2009 ob 13:00, prof. Gerd Hirzinger

Andreja Berglez andreja.berglez at ijs.si
Mon Mar 23 10:09:39 CET 2009

Vabim vas na 9. predavanje iz sklopa "Kolokviji na IJS" v letu 2008/09, v
okviru Stefanovih dnevov, ki bo v ponedeljek, 23. marca 2009, ob 13:00 uri v
Veliki predavalnici Instituta >Jožef Stefan< na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani.
Napovednik predavanja najdete tudi na naslovu
http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, posnetke preteklih predavanj pa
na http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs. 


Prof. Gerd Hirzinger 


Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR, German Aerospace Center,


Robotika in mehatronika - od vesolja do kirurgije in navideznega sveta 


Po kratki predstavitvi pomena mehatronike za prihodnost družbe bo
predavatelj povzel razvojrobotike v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Poudarek
predavanja bo na temeljnem konceptu mehatronike, to je na senzorski povratni
zanki, ki omogoča večjo natančnost in avtonomnost. Prva tema predavanja so
najnovejši dosežki v vesoljski robotiki. To področje ključno prispeva k
razvoju nove generacije ultralahkih in energetsko učinkovitih robotskih rok,
kar je temelj tehnologijam prihodnje servisne robotike. Najnovejše
tehnološke rešitve so razvidne v zadnji verziji ultralahke DLR-roke, ki
obsega tudi  štiriprstno dlan.  Robot vsebuje polno vodenje po navoru in
programibilno kartezično impedanco, kar je podlaga novim, človeku prijaznim
programskim prijemom. Eno od možnih področij uporabe takih robotov je v
kirurgiji. V predavanju bo prikazan sedanji tehnološki nivo na tem področju
in perspektive, predvsem v vidu razvoja umetnih organov in protez. V
zaključnem delu predavanja se bo predavatelj posvetil inteligentni
mobilnosti, ki sega od razvoja vozil za premikanje na Luni in Marsu do
robotskih električnih avtomobilov in letečih robotov.

Predavanje bo v angleščini.

http://www.robotic.de <http://www.robotic.de/> 
Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
Lepo vabljeni!




We would like to invite you to 9th lecture of the "Kolokvij na IJS" ("Days
of Jožef Stefan") in the school year 2008/09. The lecture will be held on
Monday, Mar 23 2009, at 1 pm at JSI main lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana.
The abstract of the lecture can be found on website:
http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, the previous recorded lectures
can be found on website:  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs>




Prof. Gerd Hirzinger


Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR (German Aerospace Center),



Robotics and Mechatronics -From Space to Surgery and the Virtual World 


After briefly emphasizing the importance of mechatronics for our future
societies, the talk briefly comments the development and evolvement of
industrial robots over the past 20 years. It emphasizes the importance of
mechatronic concepts and sensory feed-back for more precision and autonomy
in the future. The progress and perspectives in space robotics are addressed
next. Space technology is characterized as major driver for a new generation
of power-saving ultralightweight arms and articulated hands - an important
prerequisite for the emerging field of mobile production assistants and
service robotics. The technological potentials are demonstrated by DLR`s
space robot experiments and the newest light weight arm and four-finger hand
generation, which are fully joint-torque-controlled and thus are provided
with programmable cartesian impedance - a feature which allows for new
programming techniques and "human-friendly" operational modes. One of the
most challenging application fields for these new technologies is surgical
robotics; its state of the art and perspectives are briefly outlined.
However mechatronics is of crucial importance for artificial organs and
prostheses, too. Finally the talk points out the importance of intelligent
mobility - be it the development of rovers and crawlers on mars and moon, or
the robotic electric cars of the future and the flying robots, which are
capable of modeling the world photorealistically in 3D.

The lecture will be given in English.


http://www.robotic.de <http://www.robotic.de/> 

Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics


We look forward to meeting you at the "Kolokvij na IJS"!




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