[kolokvij-ijs] VABILO - dr. Alan R. Bishop, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 13.6.03 ob 13.00, velika predavalnica IJS

Eva Tozon eva.tozon at ijs.si
Thu Jun 12 10:36:36 CEST 2003

Kolokvij na IJS

dr. Alan R. Bishop
Head of Theory Division http://www.tdo.lanl.gov, Los Alamos National
Laboratory http://www.lanl.gov
Los Alamos, New Mexico Z.D.A.

The long and short of complexity in hard, soft and biological matter

A fundamental change is presently taking place in experimental and
theoretical approaches to large classes of "strongly correlated" materials,
reflecting the growing evidence that MULTISCALE COMPLEXITY (in space and
time) is often both intrinsic and functional, and that intimate
relationships between hierarchies of functional scales constitute essential
SYSTEMS or NETWORKS. This complexity is then the scientific basis for
synthesis-structure-property relations. It's understanding and control will
open qualitatively new avenues for predictive design of technological
materials, including intrinsically nanoscale structures.

In the search for underpinning concepts and principles, the prevalence of
coexisting SHORT-and LONG-range forces has become apparent as the key to one
major class of materials with emergent landscapes of spatio-temporal
patterns and associated  glassy dynamics. We review some recent examples,
including : strongly-correlated inorganic and organic electronic materials;
self-assembling materials; strongly deformed structural materials; and
biological macromolecules.

petek, 13. junija 2003 ob 13.00
V veliki predavalnici Instituta "Jožef Stefan"
Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova 39, Ljubljana, http://www.ijs.si

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