[Agor] FWD: Vabilo: Summer School in Homer 2017

Jelena Isak Kres jelena.isak.kres at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 13:48:08 CEST 2017

Dragi vsi,

prepošiljam vabilo na petdnevno poletno šolo z naslovom "Summer School in
Homer 2017"
ki bo potekala na londonski univerzi UCL med 17. in 21. julijem 2017. Za
zainteresirane je še vedno na voljo nekaj prostih mest (do zdaj se je
prijavilo 94 udeležencev iz 17 različnih držav). Poletna šola letos poteka
že četrto leto, v prilogi sta program in obrazec za prijavo.

Lep pozdrav,

Jelena Isak Kres

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Dear All,

There are still some places for all classes in the Summer School in Homer
2017 (see below). May I also bring to your attention the screening that
will be part of the Summer School and which is free and open to the public?
For more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best wishes,

Dr. Antony Makrinos

Senior Teaching Fellow in Classics

Senior Teaching Fellow HEA

Director of the Summer School in Homer 2017

Department of Greek and Latin



*Monday 17 July - Friday 21 July 2017*

The UCL Department of Greek and Latin is organising a five-day Summer
School in Homer for anyone interested in studying the Homeric epics. The
Summer School offers five days of intensive teaching of Homeric language
and literature for students of different levels, a class on Homer from
Translation and a class on Linear B. There will be lectures and seminars on
a wide variety of Homeric topics, a Calligraphy workshop,  a roundtable on
Translating Homer and a performance with readings of the Iliad in different

*For more information please visit our webpage:*


or email the Summer School: homersummerschool at ucl.ac.uk

July 2017, 4pm, Cruciform Building B304 - LT1, UCL*

It is my great pleasure to invite you all to our screening of the
HOMEROKENTRA project, a reading of the Iliad by 14 amazing women in their
native languages from various parts of the world. The project is part of
the Summer School in Homer 2017.
I attach the poster-invitation for all of you and your families, friends,
peers, students, teachers, departments, etc.

Event is FREE and OPEN to the public.
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