[Agor] Yale, Heidelberg, Ljubljana ...

David Movrin david_movrin@hotmail.com
Tue, 04 Jun 2002 16:22:15 +0200

Pozdrave vsem,

naletel sem na poucen - ceprav nekoliko dolg - clanek o zagrizenem in 
prodornem italijanskem latinistu, nadvse primeren za uravnotezenje turobnih 
Vernovih orakljev. Zlasti mi je vsec zaradi vpliva in ugleda, ki ga famozni 
New Yorker, tam je clanek lani izsel, brez zadrzkov priznava nasemu oddelku, 

'As a concrete expression of his enthusiasm for the Latin-language 
humanistic tradition, Miraglia is attempting to establish an institute to be 
called Mnemosyne: Magna Graecia International Center for Classical Studies, 
which would attract students to southern Italy, where they could earn 
academic credits toward degrees in their home countries or complete entire 
courses of study under a permanent and visiting faculty, whose members 
Miraglia hopes to draw from among the Latin-speaking community. He has 
accumulated letters of support from scholars at such institutions as Yale, 
the University of Heidelberg, and the University of Ljubljana.'

Celota je na naslovu:


Tolle, lege!

David Movrin

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