[Agor] Antioch vs. Windows XP

David Movrin david_movrin@hotmail.com
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 11:12:11 +0200


vceraj sem se z Gregorjem P. pogovarjal o tezavah s programom za pisanje 
grscine Antioch v novih Oknih (Windows XP). Ker jih utegne prej ali slej 
imeti se kdo, posiljam spodnje pismo kar na Agor@. Dobil sem ga od avtorja 
programa, pred casom, ko se je izkazalo, da se starega Antiocha v Oknih XP 
preprosto ne da instalirati. Trik je v tem, da je treba s spleta pobrati 
novo verzijo (1.13a) - na voljo je na naslovu


Ce bo se vedno prihajalo do tezav, so razresene v prilozenem pismu.

Na (vsakic lepsi) slovenski izhodiscni strani za klasicno filologijo sem 
prav pred kratkim nasel tudi tolazbo za tiste, ki jih odbija Antiochov font 
Vusillus s svojo kurzivnostjo: za politonicno grscino v sistemu Unicode je 
zdaj na voljo ze kaksnih pet fontov, kar pomeni, da je vsak tekst, napisan v 
Antiochu, mogoce brez tezav oblikovati po lastnem okusu, prav kot bi bil 
napisan v latinici. Stevilo ves cas raste, vecino je mogoce dobiti na 


Okna XP prinasajo poleg tezav z instalacijo s seboj tudi razmeroma lep nov 
font 'Palatino':


Tolle, lege, scribe, rescribe!

David Movrin


Dear David

Thanks for your message. The Greek side of Antioch does work in Windows
XP and Word 2002, but the increasing complication and security measures of 
both often cause difficulties.

First, in order to install Antioch on a computer with Win XP, you have
to be logged on with your own identity, and this identity has to have full 
administrator's privileges. This is usually the case on a single
computer with one user, but you had better check. It is no use logging on as 
the 'Administrator' and installing Antioch, because then only the
'Administrator' will be able to use the program.

Second, the Antioch installer is supposed to change Word's security
rating from high to low to permit installation of the template, and then to 
reset it to medium (so that if you open a document containing macros, you 
will be warned but can consent to accept the macros). In Word 2002, this 
sometimes fails, and you get an error message mentioning macros. The 
solution here is to set Word's security level to low 
(Tools--Options--Security) before you run the installer. The installer will 
reset it to medium afterwards.

It is safe to run the Antioch installer any number of times. You will
not end up with multiple copies of the program.

I hope this helps. If not, please write again giving exact details of
any error messages that were displayed.

Best wishes

Ralph Hancock

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