[Agor] Fw: www.annee-philologique.com open for free trial

Marko Marincic markomarincic@yahoo.de
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 14:17:09 +0100

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:      Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:51:26 -0500
Send reply to:  classics@u.washington.edu
From:           dclayman@gc.cuny.edu
To:             classics@u.washington.edu
Subject:        www.annee-philologique.com open for
free trial

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

I am delighted to announce on behalf of the Annee Philologique and
the Database of Classical Bibliography that our joint website is now
open at www.annee-philologique.com. It can be used free of charge
until April 28th. Click on the American flag for the English language
interface and select "enter" to begin.

The website offers access to 31 volumes of the APh from 40 (1969)
to 70 (1999). There are plans to add volume 71 (2000) very shortly
and to update the database regularly after that with both older and
newer volumes. The site has a number of useful indexes to
facilitate a wide variety of search strategies including a full-text
search of words in the titles and abstracts.

After April 28 access will be restricted to subscribers only and
information about rates is available from the site. Individual
accounts will be 45 EUR per year and institutional rates vary by the
number of simultaneous connections from 200 EUR to 765 EUR
per year for a site license.

We hope you will all find it useful.

Prof. Dee L. Clayman, Executive Officer
PhD Program in Classics
Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10016

212-817-8151; 2002 only: 212-685-5901

------- End of forwarded message -------
Ulrich Schmitzer
PD Dr. Ulrich Schmitzer                     uhschmit@phil.uni-erlangen.de
Institut fuer Alte Sprachen                 z.Zt. Lehrstuhl Latinistik
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg      Universitaet Konstanz

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