[Ta-teden] Ta teden na IJS / This Week at JSI

Ta teden ta.teden at ijs.si
Fri Oct 6 13:47:59 CEST 2023



najavo predavanj in dogodkov na IJS si lahko ogledate na naslovu
<https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev> . 

V prihajajočem tednu bo na IJS potekala 26. multikonferenca Informacijska
družba IS 2023 <https://is.ijs.si/> . 
Vstop je prost, prav tako pa bo omogočen ogled dogajanja prek spleta. 
Urniki so na dnu navedene spletne strani <https://is.ijs.si/?page_id=15705>

Organizatorji posebej vabijo na slovesno prireditev IS2023, ki bo v petek,
13. oktobra 2023, z začetkom ob 12. uri v Veliki predavalnici na Institutu
"Jožef Stefan". Častna gostja prireditve bo predsednica Republike Slovenije
dr. Nataša Pirc Musar. Za glasbeno kuliso bo poskrbela Marina Martensson,
vokalistka skupine Laibach. Po uradnem delu prireditve bomo imeli priložnost
za pogostitev in neformalno druženje, v okviru katerega bomo v sproščenem
vzdušju izmenjali mnenja in vtise o konferenci.

Obvestila o dogodkih v naslednjem tednu zbiramo do petka do 14. ure.

Lep pozdrav,
Suzi Korošec



Dear Sir/Madam,

the announcements of lectures and events at JSI are available here
<https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev> .

The 26th multi-conference Information Society IS 2023
<https://is.ijs.si/?lang=en>  will be taking place at IJS in the upcoming
week. Entrance is free, and there will be an option to watch the events
online. You can find the relevant schedules at the bottom of the specified
webpage <https://is.ijs.si/?lang=en> .

The organizers are delighted to extend a special invitation to the
ceremonial event IS2023, scheduled for Friday, October 13, 2023, starting at
12 noon in the Main Lecture Hall at the Jožef Stefan Institute. The guest of
honor will be the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Nataša Pirc
Musar. Marina Martensson, the vocalist of the group Laibach, will take care
of the musical backdrop. After the official part of the event, there will be
an opportunity for informal socializing and refreshments, during which we
will exchange opinions and impressions about the conference in a relaxed

Please make sure to send notifications about next week's events by Friday
until 2 p.m.



Suzi Korošec


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