[sophos-ide-update-announce] NEW VERSION 1.3 of sophos-ide-update RELEASED

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec at ijs.si
Wed Dec 20 20:36:04 CET 2006

New version 1.3 of sophos-ide-update is available from:


sophos-ide-update is a Perl program to carefully update
virus signature .ide files from the Sophos web server,
and optionally restart Sophie if .ide files were changed.

Changes from 1.2 to 1.3: 

2006-12-20    Mark Martinec
  - trust PID from a pid file if found in a list of PIDs produced by
    lsof and the list contains more than one entry; seems like sophie
    keeps a parent to a daemonized process around, so lsof would find
    this process as the ultimate ancestor, although it is expected that
    SIGHUP is sent to a process which is managing child processes;
  - add a $VERSION variable;


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