[sophos-ide-update-announce] NEW VERSION 1.2 of sophos-ide-update RELEASED

Mark Martinec Mark.Martinec at ijs.si
Thu Nov 6 01:51:43 CET 2003

New version 1.2 of sophos-ide-update is available from:


sophos-ide-update is a Perl program to carefully update
virus signature .ide files from the Sophos web server,
and optionally restart Sophie if .ide files were changed.

Changes from 1.1 to 1.2:

  - get_sophos_version: change a pattern to allow vdl versions with a
    letter appended (e.g. 3.75a) to fetch corresponding IDE zip named
    375_ides.zip; thanks to Juergen "Louis" Fluk;

  - change Perl path from /usr/local/bin/perl to the now more common
    path /usr/bin/perl;

  - modified rmdir_with_files() (backported from amavisd-new) to be
    more careful with soft links to avoid being at the mercy of Sophos
    of not including strange stuff in their zip archives;

  - modified sanitize() to cope with characters with codes > 255;

  - delete environment variable IFS to avoid potential taint complaint;


  !!  Mark Martinec (system manager)     tel  +386 1 4773-575 !!
  !!  J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39     fax  +386 1 2519-385 !!
  !!  SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia        mark.martinec at ijs.si !!
  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.ijs.si/people/mark/ !!!!

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