[Solomonov Seminar] [E8] 216. Solomonov seminar
Marko Grobelnik
marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Tue Apr 20 11:39:40 CEST 2010
V sredo 21. aprila bo ob 13:00h v Veliki predavalnici IJS
(prvo nadstropje glavne zgradbe), 221. Solomonov seminar.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/
Predaval bo Mark Greaves is podjetja Vulcan (http://www.vulcan.com/),
ki je podjetje v lasti soustanovitelja Microsofta Paula Allena, ki
visokotehnoloske projekte z visokim pricakovanim vplivom ("high impact").
Mark bo predstavil project Halo, ki sodi po mojem mnenju v tem casu
med najambicnoznejsime projekte s podrocja umetne inteligence.
Mark Greaves, Vulcan Inc.
Title: An Introduction to Project Halo
Abstract: In this talk, I will describe Project Halo, a large-scale
research program in artificial intelligence sponsored by Paul Allen's
Vulcan Inc.. Project Halo has three parts: 1) an expert system called
AURA for knowledge formulating and question answering in science; 2) an
advanced reasoning system called SILK for default and higher-order
inference; and 3) a social semantic web platform called Semantic
MediaWiki+ (SMW+) for effectively building the large basic knowledge
base that is necessary for the other two parts to work. I will briefly
describe the first two of these parts, but I will spend most of my time
describing Project Halo's work in on SMW+. SMW+ combines semantic web
technology and wiki-based social mechanisms, and marries the structure
and flexibility of a database to the crowd sourcing power of a wiki. I
will show several examples of SMW+, and conclude by describing Vulcan's
Ultrapedia prototype, in which we show what Wikipedia might look like if
it was built with a semantic wiki.
Bio: Dr. Mark Greaves is currently Director of Knowledge Systems at
Vulcan, Inc. Vulcan is the private asset management company for Paul
Allen (co-founder of Microsoft, _www.vulcan.com_
<http://www.vulcan.com>). At Vulcan, Mark oversees advanced research in
large knowledge bases and advanced web technologies, including Project
Halo (www.projecthalo.com <http://www.projecthalo.com>). Formally, Mark
was at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the
central research and development organization of the US Department of
Defense. At DARPA, he served as Director of the Joint Logistics
Technology Office, and Program Manager in the Information Exploitation
Office. He formulated and directed advanced research programs on
semantic web technology, formal ontology specification, logistics and
supply chain control technologies, and the application of software agent
technology to problems of distributed control of complex
systems-of-systems. Prior to coming to DARPA, Mark worked on advanced
programs in software agent technology at the Mathematics and Computing
Technology group of Boeing. His main research interests are in
mathematical logic, semantic web, and software agent technology, about
which he has published two books and several papers. Mark holds a Ph.D.
from Stanford University.
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