[Solomonov Seminar] 203. Solomonov seminar
Marko Grobelnik
marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Sun Oct 19 14:18:52 CEST 2008
V torek 21. oktobra bo ob13h v Veliki predavalnici IJS
(prvo nadstropje glavne zgradbe), 203. Solomonov seminar.
Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/
Tokrat bo nasa gostja Monika Záková predstavila skupno delo z
ekipo iz IJS na temo planiranja ucenja s pomocjo ontologij.
M. Zakova, P. Kremen, F. Zelezny, and N. Lavrac
Czech technical University Prague / Institut Jozef Stefan
Planning to Learn with a Knowledge Discovery Ontology
Assembly of optimized knowledge discovery workfows requires awareness
of and extensive knowledge about the principles and mutual relations between
diverse data processing and mining algorithms.We aim at alleviating this burden
by automatically proposing workfows for the given type of inputs and required
outputs of the discovery process. The methodology adopted in this study is to
define a formal conceptualization of knowledge types and data mining algorithms
and design a planning algorithm, which extracts constraints from this conceptualization
for the given user's input-output requirements. We demonstrate our approach
in two use cases, one from scientific discovery in genomics and another
from advanced engineering.
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