[Solomonov Seminar] [E8] 198. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Thu May 15 00:57:01 CEST 2008

...droben popravek - seminar smo prestavili v Veliko predavalnico IJS 
(prvo nadstropje glavne zgradbe) - termin je se vedno isti - 15. maja ob 11h.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marko Grobelnik" <marko.grobelnik at ijs.si>
To: "Solomonov Seminar" <solomonov-seminar at ijs.si>; <e8 at ijs.si>; <e9 at ijs.si>; "ct3" <ct3 at ijs.si>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:01 AM
Subject: [E8] 198. Solomonov seminar

>V cetrtek 15. maja ob 11h (zunaj obicajnega termina!!!) bo v 
> Fizikalnem seminarju (levo pritlicje glavne zgradbe IJS)
> 198. Solomonov seminar. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev
> so na http://videolectures.net/solomon/
> Tokrat bomo gostili Neela Sundaresana, direktorja razvoja podjetja eBay, 
> ki je najvecje podjetje za spletne aukcije. Predstavil bo kako deluje sistem 
> aukcij iz perspektive podjetja, kaksen obseg poslovanja imajo in kako
> s svojimi uslugami dosegajo dolgi rep odjemalcev.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Neel Sundaresan, eBay Research:
> Title: "Searching, Finding,  Buying, Selling: Story of a Long tail Online Marketplace"
> Abstract: In this talk we will present the personality of an Online Marketplace. 
> This Online Marketplace has all the characteristics of an Offline Marketplace 
> and more because of the simultaneous anonymity and familiarity of the buyers 
> and sellers. The long tail nature of the transactions combined with differing 
> capabilities, motives, and trust leads to a vibrant Social Commerce Network. 
> We will present interesting technical challenges and opportunities in Finding, 
> Classification, merchandizing and reputation systems. 
> Bio: Dr. Neel Sundaresan is a Senior Director and Head of eBay Research Labs.  
> His current areas of research interest include Social and Incentive Networks, 
> Trust and Reputation Systems, Machine Learning as applied to Recommender
> systems, Classification, Ontology, and Search. He has been with eBay
> since 2005. Prior to joining eBay , he was a founder and CTO of a
> startup focused on multi-attribute fuzzy search and network CRM. Prior
> to this, he was the head of the eMerging Internet Technologies group
> at the IBM Research Center. There he built the first XML-based Search
> Engine. He was one of the early leaders in building XML technologies
> including schema-aware compression algorithms, application component
> generators and pattern-match systems and compilers. He built the first
> RDF reference implementation as a W3C standard recommendation. He led
> research work in other areas like domain specific search engines,
> multi-modal interfaces and assistive technologies, semantic
> transcoding, web mining, query systems, and classification for
> semi-structured data. Prior to this he worked on C++ compiler and
> runtime systems for massively parallel machines and for shared memory
> systems and also on retargetable compilers, program translators and
> generators. He has over 40 research publications and several patents
> to his credit. He has been a frequent speaker at several national and
> international technology conferences.  He has advised 2 PhD and
> several masters dissertations. He has a degree in mathematics and a
> masters in computer science and engineering from the Indian Institute
> of Technology, Mumbai, India and a PhD in computer science from Indiana
> University, Bloomington.  His dissertation was on Modeling Control and
> Dynamic Data Parallelism in Object-Oriented Languages.
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