[Solomonov Seminar] 163. Solomonov seminar
Marko Grobelnik
marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Thu May 19 02:11:38 CEST 2005
Vabim vas na 163. Solomonov seminar, ki bo !!!IZJEMOMA!!! v petek 20. maja 2005
ob 12:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici (sejna soba e8/e9) IJS. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev
so na http://solomon.ijs.si/
Na tokratnem seminarju bo predavala nasa gostja Lada Adamic
iz HP Labs na temo dinamike pretoka informacij v omrezjih kot
so splet, email, blogi itd. Tovrstne raziskave sodijo med najaktualnejse
v moderni znanosti, ker razkrivajo prikrito naravo funkcioniranja druzbe.
Lada Adamic, HP Labs, PaloAlto:
Information Dynamics in a Networked World
The shift of communication to the internet, in particular to email,
weblogs (blogs), and online communities, presents an opportunity to
study the information dynamics of social networks on a large scale.
Blogs, now numbering in the millions, are web pages updated using
blogging software that makes it easy for authors to share new content
online in the form of time-stamped posts. One can track how a piece of
information spreads by observing when it appears on different blogs. The
exact route the information takes is not obvious, since most blog
authors will not explicitly identify the source of the information when
they write about it. Likely routes can be inferred, however, by
analyzing timing information, blogs' past entries, and the explicit
network of blogs linking to one another through blogrolls or posts.
While one can gain insights from observing how information passes from
one individual to another, one can also analyze networks to see how
easily one can actively navigate them to locate needed information or
individuals. One test of the navigability of a network is the classic
small world experiment, where subjects attempt to reach a target
individual through their chain of acquaintances. Examining an email
network within an organization reveals how individuals are capable of
routing messages locally, even though their knowledge of the
organization's global social network is limited.
Lada Adamic is a research scientist in the Information Dynamics Lab at
HP Labs, studying the effects of local interactions on global properties
of complex networks. This has led her to study the Internet and the Web,
peer-to-peer systems, social networks, and bioinformatics. She received
a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 2001, with her
thesis focusing on dynamic processes such as growth and search on the
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