[Solomonov Seminar] 160. Solomonov seminar
Marko Grobelnik
marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Thu Apr 7 08:56:07 CEST 2005
Vabim vas na 160. Solomonov seminar, ki bo !!!IZJEMOMA!!! v petek 8. aprila 2005
ob 13:00 uri v Oranzni predavalnici (sejna soba e8/e9) IJS. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev
so na http://solomon.ijs.si/
Tokratni seminar bo imel nas gost Marcin Paprzycki iz Oklahoma State University.
Govoril bo o agentnih sistemih - predavanje naj bi bilo primerno tudi za tiste,
ki o agentih se ne veste veliko.
Marcin Paprzycki, Oklahoma State University:
Constructing Agent Systems
The aim of the presentation will be three-fold. First, a general introduction
to software agents will be presented followed by the discussion of major
points raised "for" and "against" software agent systems. Second, it will be
shown, that it should be possible to develop large scale agent systems as
state-of-the-art agent platforms, like JADE, scale up to more than a thousand
agents and a few hundred thousand messages. Finally, a positive research program
will be illustrated through examples of agent systems that we are currently developing.
Since 1994 we are told to believe that software agents will become the next revolution
in computer science. This change is to occur not only in the ways we construct software
but it is also to have a much broader impact on the field of human-computer interaction.
Unfortunately, as it is easy to see, the revolution prophesized in 1994 does not seem
to materialize (regardless of the rapidly increasing number of conferences, workshops,
special sessions, publications, etc). It is not the case that when we turn the computer
on in the morning, we contact "our agent" to receive a personalized newscast, our
day-plan and, on the basis of that plan as well as the weather forecast and knowledge
of our dressing-preferences, an advice what to wear (agent ideal servant). Similarly,
when creating software for an e-shop we do not utilize pre-existing agent-modules
(e.g. advertising agents, seller agents, inventory managers etc.). To the contrary,
it is rather difficult to point to a successful large-scale implementation of an agent system.
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