[Solomonov Seminar] 155. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik Marko.Grobelnik at ijs.si
Sun Nov 14 15:53:51 CET 2004

Vabim vas na 155. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek 16. novembra 2004 ob
13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici IJS. Posnetki preteklih seminarjev so 
na http://solomon.ijs.si/

Tokratna tema bo iz podrocja web-mininga, predstavil pa jo bo gost Gael Diaz
iz Portugalske. 

Gael Dias, Beira Interior University:

    Searching the Web by Discovering and Clustering Related Terms

Abstract: The amount of information on the web is growing so fast that
it is becoming more and more difficult for classical search engines to
find relevant information. Indeed, due to the frenetic increase of
webpages written in different languages and sometimes in mis-interpreted
languages, the degree of ambiguity of the human language has been
constantly evolving to levels unseen so far. However, people still query
the systems with no more than 2 words on average. As a consequence, new
information retrieval systems need to be proposed to decrease the level
of ambiguity of the queries. Such systems usually make use of query
expansion techniques to solve this problem. In this talk, I will present
a system based on the automatic discovery of terms that are related to
the query as a means of helping the user to search for relevant 
This technique can be classified within Interactive Query Expansion
systems. However, unlike other systems, we use Web Mining Techniques to
discover related terms based on different features such as association
measures, document similarity, document relevance, etc.
In the second part of my talk, I will present the future extensions of
our retrieval systems based on the automatic discovery of relations
between related terms. So, by using agglomerative clustering techniques
and an auto-fed WebWarehouse, we hope to be able to propose
less ambiguous query expansion terms than in present systems
where the user needs to sort out the terms he is interested in.

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