[Solomonov Seminar] 135. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik at ijs.si
Fri Dec 12 20:00:23 CET 2003

Vabim vas na 135. Solomonov seminar, ki bo !!!IZJEMOMA!!! v SREDO,
17. decembra 2003 ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici IJS.
Posnetki in materiali preteklih seminarjev so dostopni
na http://solomon.ijs.si

Tokrat bomo gostili Nataso Milic-Frayling iz raziskovalnih
laboratorijev Microsofta, ki bo predstavila kaksna je pot ideje 
of njenega nastanka do realizacije v Microsoftovih produktih 
na podrocju spletnih tehnologij. Prezentacija bo vsebovala nekaj 
zivih demostracij in video posnetkov in bo zanimiva za vse,
ki zelite izvedeti kaksne resitve se pripravljajo v produktih,
ki jih dnevno uporabljamo.


Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research, Cambridge

   WWW Challenges - Publishing, Searching, and Browsing on the Web 
Web is a highly distributed and dynamic environment that poses a number 
of challenges to designers and users of Web services and applications. 
In our research we promote a user centric approach to studying Web related 
issues and designing solutions that would improve the user's experience. 
We show how an exploratory study of users' behaviour led to new opportunities 
for modifying and improving Web publishing practices and browser features.  
We present the findings from quantitative and qualitative analyses of the users' 
logs and the impact they had on the prototype design. We point to the depth of 
problem understanding that has been achieved through the combined approach 
of statistical analysis of user logs and user interviews. 

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