[Solomonov Seminar] 98. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 19:17:23 +0100

Vabim vas na 98. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v !!!IZJEMOMA!! v cetrtek, 
21. novembra 2002 ob 13. uri v sejni sobi odseka E8 (2. nadstropje 
glavne zgradbe IJS). Posnetki in materiali preteklih seminarjev so 
dostopni na http://solomon.ijs.si/.

Tokratna tema seminarja bo pregledno predavanje o adaptivnih
in ucecih se agentih. Predaval bo gost nasega odseka Dimitar 
Kazakov, ki bo predstail materiale iz preglednih predavanj (tutorialov), 
ki jih imel na dveh pomembnih konferencah iz umetne inteligence.
Dimitar Kazakov (University of York)
           Adaptive and Learning Agents

The talk will consist of two  parts. The first part will introduce 
the notion of agent and multi-agent systems (MAS) and draw 
a parallel with Systems Theory.  It then will  proceed to introduce 
the basic concepts of Machine Learning (ML) and  discuss some 
of the  issues surrounding the  application of ML  technology to  
agents and  MAS.  
The second  part of the talk will  focus on the role of evolution and 
natural selection in the implementation of adaptive/learning agents. 
It  will be  suggested that evolution  can be employed  in the search 
for optimal learning bias; the role of language in this context will also  
be discussed. The results of  a case study will  be used to demonstrate  
how  collaboration  can   evolve  among  relatives  in  a simulated  MAS. 
The talk will be based on tutorials given at ACAI-01 and ECAI-02 and will 
be geared towards both graduate students and researchers who are 
interested in  the intersection of  ML and MAS.   
However, no prior knowledge in either area will be assumed.