[Solomonov Seminar] 91. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 00:01:26 +0200

Vabim vas na 91. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v !!!IZJEMOMA CETRTEK!!!, 
3. oktobra 2002 ob 13. uri v Sejni sobi E8 (2. nadstropje 
glavne zgradbe IJS). Posnetki in materiali preteklih 
seminarjev so dostopni na http://solomon.ijs.si/.

Vsi verjetno poznamo screen-saver, ki isce "vanzemaljce" (SETI),
ali pa tisega, ki rise po zaslonu molekule in ob tem racuna koristne
zadeve na temo AIDSa. Oba programa pripadata tehnologiji, ki jo
imenujemo "Grid Computing", ki nam jo bo na tokratnem seminarju
skupaj z demonstracijo prikazal Tomaz Vincek iz IBMa.

Predvideni naslednji seminarji:
torek 8. 10.: Franc Trdic: Orodje za strojni vid Neuro Inspector
torek 15.10.: celodnevna konferenca na IJS na temo data-mininga

Tomaz Vincek, IBM Slovenija:
           Grid Computing

As network performance has outpaced computational power 

and storage capacity, a new paradigm has evolved to enable 

the sharing and coordinated use of geographically distributed 

resources. Grid computing provides scalable and secure remote 

access to computing, data, and other resources throughout the Internet.


Much of the focus of the grid to date has been within research 

organizations, where it is enabling scientists to attack problems 

of ever-increasing complexity, such as the Search for Extra-Terrestrial 

Intelligence (SETI), the screening of AIDS drug candidates, and the 

analysis of physics data. As the power of grid technologies becomes 

apparent, however, commercial parties are also increasing their level 

of participation. That leads to a greater focus on integration with 

commercial computing models and more work on the security and 

resource management models required for automated and secure 

access negotiation for remote resources. 


At the seminar we'll try to answer the following questions: 

* Internet vs. Grid evolution

* What is needed for establishing the Grid?

* Grid & Virtual Organisations

* What is OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture)?

* What Grid is & what Grid is not?

* Grid in relationship with some other technologies