[Solomonov Seminar] 76. Solomonov seminar

Marko Grobelnik marko.grobelnik@ijs.si
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 03:02:02 +0100

Vabim vas na 76. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek, 2.aprila.2001 
ob 13.uri v (!!!) fizikalnem seminarju IJS (v pritlicju glavne zgradbe IJS). 
Posnetke in materiale preteklih seminarjev si lahko 
ogledate na http://solomon.ijs.si/

Na tokratnem seminarju bosta Nada Lavrac in Peter Flach
predstavila lastno delo iz podrocja strojnega ucenja.
Problem, ki ga resujeta, je kako najti v mnozici podatkov
neko podmnozico, ki na tak ali drugacen nacin izstopa.

Nada Lavrac and Peter Flach:
    Subgroup discovery and rule evaluation in ROC space

Traditionally, machine learning has focussed on induction of 
classification and prediction rules. More recently, non-predictive or 
descriptive induction is gaining substantial interest of machine 
learning researchers. Two major trends in descriptive induction are 
association rule learning and subgroup discovery. In this seminar we 
present our recent work in descriptive induction. We also argue that 
accuracy is not always an appropriate evaluation measure in the 
descriptive induction framework, and propose quality measures 
designed for subgroup evaluation in ROC space. After a brief 
presentation of the APRIORI-C and SD-algorithm, we give a 
detailed presentation of the CN2-SD algorithm, which includes a 
new -- weighted -- covering algorithm, a new search heuristic 
(weighted relative accuracy), probabilistic classification of instances, 
and a new measure for evaluating the results of subgroup discovery 
(area under ROC curve).

The presented work was done in collaboration with V. Jovanoski
(APRIORI-C), D. Gamberger (SD-algorithm), B. Kavsek and 
L. Todorovski (CN2-SD algorithm).

Our research was supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Education, 
Science and Sport, the IST-1999-11495 project Data Mining and 
Decision Support for Business Competitiveness: A European Virtual 
Enterprise, and the British Council project Partnership in Science PSP-18.