[Solomonov Seminar] 61. Solomonov seminar
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 1:21 +0100
Vabim vas na 61. Solomonov seminar, ki bo v torek
20.11.2001ob 13h v Veliki predavalnici IJS.
Knowledge management je buzzword, ki zadnja leta zbuja
kar nekaj pozornosti - najveckrat ni povsem jasno za kaj gre.
Mitja Jermol, sicer vodja oddelka za multimedijo na DZS,
ki se s tem ukvarja v okviru svoje doktorske disertacije,
bo predstavil tematiko upravljanja z znanjem iz zornega kota
moderne zalozniske hise. Predstavil nam bo teoretska in
predvsem prakticna izhodisca KMja kot ga srecujejo v
DZSu in demonstriral sistem, ki so ga razvili in ga
dnevno uporabljajo na DZSju.
Mitja Jermol
Knowledge Economy - Myth or Reality and DZS's
Humanity is approaching the next stage in the evolution - the
era of knowledge society. In traditional economy the key
objective was to foster free and unlimited flux of capital. In
knowledge economy the progress will be driven by
unconditional and open circulation of knowledge. Therefore
the conventional knowledge assets will lose their significance
on company's performance in global market competition.
Traditional management and organisational models will have
to be redefined as well as the most significant one - the
models in the head of the individuals. In the world of value
net, virtual enterprises will prosper, while traditional value
chain will rapidly begin to lose their strength and significance.
Complex management and shifting away from deterministic
view of the company, company's processes and environment
are two major "mental " paradigms a company needs to
follow. In such a complex environment traditional planning
and forecasting makes no sense and anticipation of surprise
as well as scenario planning become essential. Company's
knowledge will have to be able to answer the questions
"What" and "How" while "When", "Where" and "Who" are
losing their importance. Myth or reality?
In the presentation key distinctive points to answer this
will be stressed and discused. Presentation will begin with
society development vs. technology development dilemma
and explain the fundamental relation between IQ, EQ and
NQ in regards to knowledge society, knowledge economy
and knowledge management. For that purpose we will focus
on society, corporate, resource and physical level of an
enterprise. The basic proces in knowledge economy is
knowledge transfer e.g. education. This is why the problem
and possible solutions for personalized knowledge transfer in
relation to technology and organization will be explained. In
the second part of the presentation the DZS's and some
other approaches to above stated problems will be presented
from conceptual, organisational and information system point
of view.