[SlovLit] Metafore prostora v madžarščini -- Jezik romanticizma med kanonom in arhivom -- Slovar – čuvar, krmar, šušmar ali ... car?

Miran Hladnik hladnikmiran na gmail.com
Tor Okt 11 21:15:47 CEST 2022

Od: Lingvistični krožek <lingvisticni.krozek na gmail.com>
Date: V tor., 11. okt. 2022 ob 14:13
Subject: LK, 17. oktober 2022

sestanek v ponedeljek, 17. oktobra, ob 18.00 v predavalnici 325 v 3.
nadstropju Filozofske fakultete. Predavala bo prof. dr. Mónika Dóla,
Oddelek za jezikoslovje Univerze Pécs, Madžarska. Naslov predavanja:
Cognitive metaphors of space in Hungarian verb-argument constructions
(Kognitivne metafore prostora v madžarskih glagolsko-argumentnih

Povzetek: Have you ever wondered why it is ‘be surprised AT something’
in English and presenečen NAD nečim in Slovene (‘be surprised ABOVE
sth.’), or meglepődik valamiN (‘be surprised ON sth.’) in Hungarian?
Cognitive linguistics, as a usage-based functional approach to
language, claims that the way people use language to communicate
meaning leaves an imprint on the linguistic structure. The linguistic
structure and the meaning of linguistic expressions are influenced by
general cognitive processes such as categorisation and
conceptualisation of experience. Linguistic expressions are not just a
matter of words: they describe how the world is seen and understood by
speakers. Cognitive linguists argue that one key conceptual process to
shape linguistic expressions is metaphor: “understanding one kind of
thing in terms of another” (Lakoff and Johnson 1980:5). The
presentation will look at (mainly Hungarian) verb-argument
constructions like the ones above for complex abstract ideas and
events – namely emotions, thoughts, and social relations. It will
argue that such constructions are not simply about idiosyncratic
‘lexical units’ beyond the reach of ‘grammar’, but about thinking:
about a way of seeing and understanding the world, making sense of
complex and abstract events in terms of simpler and more concrete
things that we can relate to at a simpler sensory level – such as
space and directionality. In the analysis of space  metaphors involved
in various Hungarian predicate-argument constructions, we will address
issues like conceptual metaphor, categorisation, schema formation, and
the prototype effect on grammar. Finally, we will discuss possible
related psychological implications. If the ways we view the world and
communicate our experiences about it influence linguistic expressions,
can it be that language also shapes the way we see and think about the
world? Are linguistic metaphors a psychological reality? And how about
bilinguals and language learners? Is there any psychological evidence
for the common experience of many that when they are learning a new
language, a fresh light is cast on a concept, or a new perspective on
the world opens up to them?

Predavanje bo v angleščini. Potekalo bo v hibridni obliki. Povezava na
Zoom: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/95607565451 . Vabljeni tudi
študentje.   -- Chikako Shigemori Bučar


-- MarkAlgee-Hewitt: Religion Remix’d: The Language of Romanticism
between Canon and Archive. Stanford Literary Lab 10. okt. 2022
(prosojnice za predavanje re:
https://mailman.ijs.si/pipermail/slovlit/2022/007829.html) -- sicer
prepozno za udeležbo, so pa grafikoni na prosojnicah lep zgled
prezentacije literarnih korpusov.


From: Knjigarna AZIL <knjigarna.azil na gmail.com>
To: <slovlit na ijs.si>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:14:32 +0000
Subject: Slovar – čuvar, krmar, šušmar ali ... car?

Spoštovane, spoštovani, ob letošnjem mednarodnem dnevu slovarjev vas
vabimo na okroglo mizo, ki bo v petek, 14. oktobra ob 16. uri v Atriju
ZRC (https://zrc-sazu.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e1e373724b3088be79de96496&id=5e845f5293&e=fd264c2364)
. Na omizju s slikovitim naslovom Slovar – čuvar, krmar, šušmar ali
... car? bodo svoja pričevanja o rabi slovarjev nizali naslednji
uporabniki in uporabnice iz najrazličnejših poklicev: Maja Prijatelj
Videmšek, Boštjan Gorenc, Mojca Medvedšek, Admir Baltić. Pogovor bo
usmerjala Nada Vodušek, tudi sama zaprisežena uporabnica slovarjev.

Okrogla miza poteka v organizaciji Sekcije za leksiko ZDSDS
ZRC SAZU (https://zrc-sazu.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e1e373724b3088be79de96496&id=9e6a4253ed&e=fd264c2364)
in Knjigarne Azil
ter ob finančni podpori Javne agencije za knjigo RS
Obenem vas vljudno vabimo še na preostale prireditve ob mednarodnem
dnevu slovarjev. Več o programu prireditev si lahko preberete na naši
spletni strani:

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