[SlovLit] Novela Zakona o tujcih in naši tuji študenti -- Re: Kekčeve -- Anketa za učitelje slovenščine

Miran Hladnik hladnikmiran na gmail.com
Pet Jul 9 23:17:25 CEST 2021

Od: Boris A. Novak <Boris-A.Novak na guest.arnes.si>
Date: V sre., 7. jul. 2021 ob 22:05
Subject: Re: Novela Zakona o tujcih in naši tuji študenti

To the European Commission
To Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture,
Education & Youth
To Maria Koleva, Deputy Head of Cabinet, in charge of the Education

A group of professors from the Faculty of Arts (Filozofska fakulteta),
University of Ljubljana,

Dear Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, dear Maria Koleva,

We, the undersigned professors of the Faculty of Arts (Filozofska
fakulteta), University of Ljubljana, feel compelled to inform you
about a painful problem our students from non-EU countries are facing
due to the new Slovene Law on Foreigners.

According to the new rules defined in this law, foreign students from
non-EU countries should from now on prove that they have at least
5.000 euros in their bank account as a condition to study at Slovene

Considering the fact that they have to pay tuition fees and many other
costs, this additional condition pushes their honest efforts too far,
so many of them are considering stopping their studies in Slovenia.

Our experiences with these students are excellent: they are clever,
talented and open-hearted young people who are doing their best, with
many sacrifices, in order to achieve diplomas, master's and doctoral

Let us point out that they are coming from countries which are not as
economically successful as EU member states, including Slovenia; for
them studies in Slovenia are therefore much more expensive than for
their Slovene colleagues.

We strongly believe that successful studies of these students will
have a positive impact on the future of their respective home
countries as well.

As citizens of the EU we also believe that such problems should be
solved in the perspective of the future enlargements of the EU. On
this level, we don't understand the cruel policy of the current
Slovene government towards foreign students, especially in the light
of the solemn declarations issued by the same government and its prime
minister that the enlargement of the EU to the region on the Western
Balkans is a priority of the Slovene Presidency to the Council of
Europe in the next six months.

The Slovene media covered today the conference of  Ministers for Work
of all EU countries at Brdo, Slovenia; their main message was the
necessity for the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU. And
how does Slovenia as a presiding country implement this noble goal?
Using publicly the rhetorics of the international cooperation and open
borders, but in reality punishing and chasing away young intellectuals
from the same countries which are supposed to be integrated.

Allow us to say something very simple and human as well: the majority
of these students are coming from the territories of the former
Yugoslavia, from newly formed states which were historically not so
fortunate as Slovenia. We, as their professors, are especially
sensitive to problems of our former fellow citizens.

So we are kindly asking you to investigate this problem and help our
students from non-EU countries to enrol in our study programmes or to
continue their studies without such trivial obstacles.

Thanking you in advance for your attention, on our behalf and on
behalf of our students, with our best regards and wishes,

Prof. dr. Boris A. Novak
Assoc. prof. dr. Urška Perenič
Prof. dr. Marko Juvan
Prof. dr. Miran Hladnik
Prof. dr. Aleksander Bjelčevič
Prof. dr. Alojzija Zupan
Doc. dr. Špela Sevšek Šramel

Ljubljana, July 9th, 2021


From: Janja Vollmaier Lubej <Janja.V na windowslive.com>
To: Slovlit <slovlit na ijs.si>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 12:27:54 +0000
Subject: Novela Zakona o tujcih

Spoštovani. V letošnjem študijskem letu sem na Filološki fakulteti
Univerze v Banjaluki poučevala nadvse nadarjeno in pridno študentko,
ki si je slovenščino kot izbirni predmet izbrala predvsem zaradi želje
po študiju na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Njena želja po znanju je bila tako
močna, da se je pred tem pričela celo sama učiti slovenščino in prišla
v mojo skupino z odličnim predznanjem. Obenem je zavzeto sodelovala
pri prav vseh obštudijskih slovenističnih dogodkih.

Naj poudarim, da je njeno gimnazijsko povprečje 5,0 in je najdijakinja
svoje generacije. Odločila se je za študij v Sloveniji, ki ji sedaj
zapira svoja vrata.
Raje ne zapišem, kako sem se počutila ob tem, ko sem izvedela za ukrep
Zakona o tujcih glede bivanja tujih študentov v Sloveniji. Težko mi je
bilo pri srcu, ker je marljivost, vztrajnost in željo po bogatih
mednarodnih izkušnjah zamenjala nerazumljiva logika izključevanja.
Samo predstavljam si, kako se ob takšni ignoranci počuti študentka: ko
sem si sama prizadevala za nek cilj, a ga zaradi zunanjih okoliščin
nisem dosegla, sem občutila tako poraz, nezadovoljstvo kot tudi
stisko. Po naravi sem optimistka, zato upam na dober izid in spremembo

Janja Vollmaier Lubej


Od: Bjelčevič, Aleksander <Aleksander.Bjelcevic na ff.uni-lj.si>
Date: V čet., 8. jul. 2021 ob 16:27
Subject: Re: Kekčeve poti

[...] z Jesenic se bomo skušali pripeljati čim višje po gozdni cesti,
ki gre od Plavškega rovta najprej malo dol, potem pa se vzpne do
kmetije Zakamnik in desno mimo nje še gor do izravnave, od koder se
potem spet začne spuščati navzdol. Na najvišjem mestu pustimo
avtomobile (1150 m). Tule nekje je ta točka: 46°28'7.31" 14°1'9.17".
In gremo peš naprej in navzgor po nemarkiranih kolovozih do Hrušenske
planine, od koder se že vidi vrh Kleka. S seboj čimveč vode,
učiteljski kader pa kako klobaso ali zelenjavo za roštilj.


From: Marko Simonovic <rkicma na gmail.com>
To: slovlit na ijs.si
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2021 14:16:01 +0200
Subject: Re: Anketa za učitelje slovenščine v Bosni in Hercegovini,
Črni Gori, na Hrvaškem in v Srbiji

Pozdravljeni! Prosim za izpolnitev/posredovanje kratke ankete za
učitelje slovenščine v Bosni in Hercegovini, Črni Gori, na Hrvaškem in
v Srbiji (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJHLfyVC4IlxxFNNVbgDaKEz6QKJ_5ty03bOCb3YVupEpGaw/viewform?usp=pp_url).
Gre za samo eno začetniško napako (imejo namesto imajo) in
izpolnjevanje vam ne bo vzelo več kot 5 minut. Vnaprej najlepša hvala!

Lep pozdrav,
Marko Simonovic

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